The Robert A. Taft Memorial and Carillon
The Carillion in full view, as seen from the west.
Image: Liz Guthrie
An Unobtrusive Location
The Carillion’s location amidst a park-like setting between Constitution Avenue and 1st Streets, NW.
Image: Liz Guthrie
Statue of a Senator
A bronze statue of Senator Robert A. Taft set against the backdrop of the Carillon.
Image: Liz Guthrie
Modernist Lines
Large, blocky, geometric paving patterns create a modernist plaza, evocative of mid-1950’s architecture that was prevalent at the time of the memorial’s completion.
Image: Liz Guthrie
Mid-Century Modern
Chunky stone benches and thick angular lines of paving reveal more details of mid-century modern architecture throughout the site.
Image: Liz Guthrie
Quiet Reflection
The sun-dappled pools surrounding the tower’s basin provide a soothing, reflective place to sit and relax by the water’s edge.
Image: Liz Guthrie
A Place to Relax
The soothing sounds from the jets of water and shaded location provide a welcome respite, especially on a hot summer day.
Image: Liz Guthrie
On the Hour
View of the marble tower and bells of the Carillon, which strike on the hour and chime on the quarter hour.
Image: Liz Guthrie