Soaring Spires
The challenge the designer, James Freed, faced was how to make air and space, the medium in which the Air Force works, tangible. He achieved this by creating spires that literally soar into the air, as if soaring into flight. Critics have compared the appearance of soaring spires from a distance to the floppy points of a jester’s hat, a large metallic flower, ribs of a crown, or the ends of a scallion sliced for a crudités platter. Though, no one can deny the dramatic effect “Soaring to Glory” has on the D.C. skyline.
Image: Wikimedia
Changing Spires
The spires’ arcs change dynamically depending on the viewer’s location, the weather, and the time of day.
Image: Dena Kennett
Calm and Order
This is a busy and noisy site with major highways nearby, but, as you approach the memorial, the rows of mature tulip poplars and oaks begin to create a sense of calm and order. All of the initial spaces are very human-scale and help to transport the visitor away from the surrounding hustle and bustle.
Image: Dena Kennett
The Ceremonial Runway
Then you cross the threshold into the memorial, encountering a ceremonial runway intersected by a blue stone path flanked by a bronze “Honor Guard” at one end to the “Chamber of Contemplation” at the other. The long narrow space also functions as a parade ground and is enclosed with a viewing stand. The very clever design creates a more contemplative and personal experience while also functioning well as a large-group, ceremonial space.
Image: Dena Kennett
Precise Pathways
The precise and crisp pathways that intersect with the runway lead you to the spires. You are able to take in another amazing view of the Pentagon, Arlington Cemetery, and across the river to D.C. from a slightly elevated platform hovering over the hillside below.
Image: Dena Kennett
It is mesmerizing to stand at their base and look up. They are actually varied in height, the tallest reaching 270 feet. As you move around them, their relative heights seem to shift also.
Image: Dena Kennett
Details Honor
The view from within the memorial is spectacular, but it's the level of detail and quality of materials that truly makes this a special place. The stark contrast between the design and materials and the surrounding temporary military offices, parking lot, and highway maintenance building enhances the sense of respect within the memorial.
Image: Dena Kennett
Parking Lot
Even the parking lot has a park-like feel, with its shade trees, shrubs, and materials of high-quality finish.
Image: Dena Kennett