Research Category
In partnership with the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture and Landscape Journal.
Recognizes: research that identifies and investigates challenges posed in landscape architecture, providing results that advance the body of knowledge for the profession.
Typical entries include: scientific research on topics related to the practice of landscape architecture; investigations into methods, techniques, or materials related to landscape architecture practice; studies of relationships of landscape architecture to law, education, public health and safety, or public policy; and more.
Criteria: The jury will consider how the research is framed; the context and resources of the study; the methods of inquiry; the results of investigation; and the lesson value of the research conclusions to the field at large.
Recognition: The Professional Awards Jury and the Student Awards Jury may each select one Award of Excellence and any number of Honor Awards in this category.
NOTE: An official entrant in this category is not required to be a landscape architecture professional or a full member of ASLA, but may be an Affiliate member, or join as an Affiliate member in order to enter.
Entry Instructions
Entrants in this category will submit:
Official Entry Binder
Upon receipt of the entry form and payment, ASLA will issue an official, numbered entry binder for each project to be submitted. Each entry kit contains a submission binder, forms, and instructions. All submission materials must fit into this binder, which contains 24 page views in an 8.5” x 11” format. The jury will not consider any material that is oversized, behind other items, or submitted outside the binder, and will not remove any materials from the sleeves (such as pamphlets or brochures).
Materials in the binder must not reveal the names of the entrant. Entrants must use an easily readable typeface, such as Times Roman, Garamond, or Arial, no smaller than 10-point size, for all text. Binder covers may not be altered in any manner.
Entry binders in the Research Category must contain the following items:
1. Descriptive Data Summary: The first three (3) views of the Entry Binder must include a descriptive data summary of up to three (3) typed pages. Please use the appropriate form provided for Professionals and for Students.
2. Images*: Include at least five (5) but no more than fifteen (15) total images (graphs, drawings, photographs) to illustrate the research. Images must be 8.5” x 11” format, portrait or landscape orientation. Brief captions of no more than 40 words each are to be placed at the bottom of each image or opposite the image in the book.
Concealed Identification and Credit Form
Please list all project credits on the Concealed Identification and Credit Form.
The CD-ROM must contain the contents of the official entry binder and the Concealed Identification and Credit form as submitted to the awards program. Text documents must be in a word processing application (such as rich text format, MS Word, WordPerfect, WordPad), not a portable document format (.PDF) file. Images must be in .jpg format at a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch). Label each image with the entry number and the number of the image. For example, if the entry number is “123,” label the .jpg files as 123-01, 123-02, 123-03, and so on. Please label the CD-ROM jewel case with the entry number.
*Entrants are responsible for clearing photographs with photographers for publication and reproduction by ASLA. ASLA will provide proper photography and other project credits when using photos, but will not assume responsibility for any copyrights or photography fees. ASLA retains the right to publish photos submitted in winning entries in Landscape Architecture magazine, on the ASLA web site, in promoting the awards program, and in other products in conjunction with promoting landscape architecture.
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