All advertising materials are due no later than the published materials closing date. Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM) accepts high resolution (at least 300 dpi) PDF, JPG, and TIF formats only. LAM does not accept film or camera-ready art. Files must be prepared as CMYK. Embedded images must also be in the CMYK color space. All RGB images must be converted to CMYK mode in an image editor, such as Adobe Photoshop, before being inserted into your layout application.
*Please do not use fonts Kalinga, Kartika, and Segoe as they are unprintable.
Issue |
Reserve Space by |
Materials Due by |
December 2014 |
October 31 |
November 3 |
January |
November 28 |
December 3 |
February |
December 30 |
January 5 |
March |
January 26 |
January 30 |
April |
February 24 |
February 27 |
May |
March 31 |
April 3 |
June |
April 27 |
May 1 |
July |
May 25 |
May 29 |
August |
June 29 |
July 3 |
September |
July 27 |
July 31 |
October |
September 1 |
September 4 |
November |
September 29 |
October 2 |
December |
October 26 |
October 30 |
The new FTP url is:
Once the window opens, please click the “Connect” button
Then enter Username: lamad
Then enter Password: enter1
Click “connect” again
Select the “lamad” folder, then the appropriate folder corresponding with the issue month and year
Please follow the instructions shown at the lower half of the screen, for drag and drop upload
2) Email: Submissions may be sent via email to:
3) Mail: Please address package to:
Landscape Architecture Magazine
Attn: Production Manager
636 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001-3736
To ensure color and font accuracy, an accompanying color proof is highly recommended. LAM cannot guarantee the translation or appearance of an advertisement if a proof has not been provided. Proofs may be mailed to the address above.
File Naming
Please name all files (and subject lines of e-mails) using this naming convention:
advertiser_month_year (example: acme_jan_09)
Mail-in submissions via CD, DVD, ZIP disk, etc. will not be returned. Only material from the current and preceding volume will be archived. All other material will be discarded. Files that are uploaded to the secured FTP site will only be retrieved by authorized LAM staff.
LAM accepts inserts in the magazine and within a polybag. Belly wraps are accepted. Call your salesperson for customized quotes and specifications.
All ads are payable 30 days after the first day of the month of the publication date. Ad materials are due 40 days prior to the first day of the month of publication. Any reduction in ad frequency will result in an upcharge.
All ad cancellations must be received in writing no later than 60 days prior to the first day of the month of publication. Advertisers canceling after the cutoff date will be billed for the space ordered.
Other Advertiser Services
Reader Service Cards for LAM .
Bonus distribution at trade shows and conferences.
Contact Production Manager Sarah Berger at 202-216-2341 or