Leadership & Governance

Call for Volunteer Service

Call for Committee Volunteers Header

ASLA member volunteers play a leading role in the success of ASLA. Your volunteer service is directly related to how we serve our members and the landscape architecture profession. A strong volunteer workforce of more than 250 members spread over 30 committees and other groups deploys the mission of the Society.

The ASLA 2022 - 2024 Strategic Plan guides and shapes the work of our colleagues and volunteer leaders. It lays out goals and outcomes in five focus areas: Community, Voice, Scale, Connections, and Innovation. We are looking for thoughtful, forward-thinking individuals with diverse experience to bring the ASLA Strategic Plan to life.

To volunteer for service on one or more of the leadership groups listed below, please apply online by August 9, 2024.

Most committees meet once a month for an hour over Zoom during regular working hours. Some committees have additional meeting requirements for more focused conversations and work. Please review the committee descriptions below for more information.

Opportunities for ASLA Service

Enhance your ASLA experience by sharing your experience and expertise, gaining knowledge, and enlarging your network – all while being part of ASLA’s work to continue moving the field of landscape architecture forward.

We are now accepting applications for the following groups, browseable by Strategic Plan focus area:


+ Community

Build a welcoming and inclusive community that provides a place for members, partners, and supporters to connect, learn, and grow.

+ Connection

Enable change through collaboration and effective partnerships.

+ Innovation

Leverage the best practices developed by and for our members to keep us and the profession at the forefront of innovation.

+ Scale

Make the investments necessary to bring to bear the power of our membership and our profession.

+ Voice

Provide a platform to elevate expertise and the collective impact of our members.

ASLA is committed to fostering a diverse workforce and an inclusive culture. ASLA staff and member volunteers uphold the Society’s Standards of Conduct and comply with the Committee Guidelines. ASLA values are excellence, integrity, diversity, leadership, and stewardship. The ASLA culture is collaborative, inclusive, member-focused, accountable, and volunteer-supported.

To volunteer for service, please apply online by midnight, August 9, 2024. Please note the special instructions below for the Student Advisory and Associate Advisory Committees. For any questions, contact Curt Millay.


Committee Descriptions

Annual Conference Education Advisory Committee

Term: Three Years

The ACEAC supports the education program development of the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture. The president chairs the education advisory committee for the annual conference that occurs in his/her presidential year and appoints members to fill vacancies occurring in that year. Committee composition reflects the makeup of the profession at large and includes one or two host chapter representatives, ensuring a dedicated and diverse committee.

Charge and Responsibility
Make recommendations to staff for invited continuing education sessions, and review and evaluate submissions to the call for presentations. Committee members are responsible for recruiting and coordinating enriching, relevant educational sessions for the annual conference through the Call for Presentations.

 Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The ACEAC will meet for a two-day virtual meeting in advance of the Call for Presentations (opening in January) to develop and review conference education tracks. The education session review period will take place in March and will require 35-40 hours of review time over a three-week period. 

Associate Advisory Committee

Term: Two Years

The committee advises ASLA leaders and staff on key policies and programs that have an impact on associate members.

Associate Members in good standing who will remain in the same member category for at least one year. The online nominations process for this committee is now open through August 9. The nominator must be a president of an ASLA Chapter. Please contact your chapter president if you would like to be nominated. The nomination form includes a description of the nominee’s qualifications and leadership qualities and provides a field where the chapter president may insert a statement from the nominee.

Charge and Responsibility
Members will draw on their own experiences and that of their fellow professionals at the beginning of their career to provide input and feedback to inform annual program development and priority setting. The committee will focus on recruitment and retention of associate members and develop content for publications and social media. The committee chair will serve as the Associate Representative to the Board of Trustees, a voting position, and serve as the liaison between the Board and the committee. The ASLA president-elect appoints members from nominations forwarded by chapters.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The committee meets by conference call monthly. Projects may require time commitment outside of conference calls. The committee chair must attend the spring and fall meetings of the Board of Trustees during his/her term.


Audit Committee

Term: Two Years

Charge and Responsibility
The Audit Committee oversees the Society’s annual financial audit process and provides independent oversight of its finances. The committee represents and reports to the Board of Trustees.

Reference: ASLA Administrative Policy on Document Retention

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for two years, and staggered and outgoing members are not eligible for reappointment for at least three years. The committee meets twice a month from January through May and oversees the financial audit and a review of the tax returns with the Executive Committee. Additionally, the committee meets annually in person for a one-to-two-hour informal meeting at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture for those able to attend. Overall time commitment is between 14-20 hours a year.

Career Discovery and K-12 Advisory Group

Term: One Year

The advisory group will lend their expertise in landscape architecture to the development of K-12 curricula, as well as the planning of Career Discovery activities and events.

Charge and Responsibility
Members will be dedicated to understanding landscape architecture education within the scope of Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). They will support the development of quality educational experiences to prek-12 students and work with the career discovery manager to strategize around content creation and educational outreach strategies that increase the awareness of landscape architecture as a STEM profession and its role in solving real world problems. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The group will meet on an as-needed basis as projects develop. They will participate in internal and external partner meetings; they will support the development and promotion of new resources online and in-person at annual and regional conference; they will act as spokespersons for Career Discovery at local and national partner meetings and events; and they will serve as advocates for the integration of Career Discovery programming throughout ASLA chapters.

Chapter Success Institute

Term: Two Years

This group is comprised of past chapter members in leadership positions who use their expertise and knowledge to build a framework to level the member experience across chapters and to identify training and support needed to promote emerging diverse chapter leadership.

Charge and Responsibility
Facilitate the exchange of information, ideas, opportunities, and challenges common to the chapters; advise ASLA’s leadership and staff about issues, programs, services, and support needed by the chapters; identify ways in which the national officers and staff can assist in addressing specific challenges and issues of concern to the chapters; carry out the ASLA mission at the chapter level utilizing the information and tools made available by national; provide input to national officers and staff on the ASLA priorities.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for two years and staggered to maintain continuity. The group meets monthly via videoconference.

Biodiversity and Climate Action Committee

Term: One Year 

The climate and biodiversity crises offer landscape architects enormous opportunities to help communities transform. ASLA envisions communities becoming healthier and economically stronger because they have committed to drawing down carbon, restoring ecosystems, increasing biodiversity, and reducing reliance on fossil fueled vehicles – all while ensuring everyone in their community has equitable access to these benefits. Members from small, medium, and large firms; non-profit organizations and community groups; public practice; and academia are encouraged to apply to lead the way to a healthier, more resilient future. 

Charge and Responsibility
The committee leads the implementation of the ASLA Climate Action Plan. The committee provides input to ASLA leadership on strategies for communicating the role of landscape architecture in mitigating climate change and increasing and protecting biodiversity. The committee develops and promotes programs, products, and services that provide research data and learning opportunities to practitioners. The committee advances the adoption of climate-conscious design and management solutions within the practice and theory of landscape architecture while advocating for more opportunities where practitioners can implement such design practices. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Committee members meet via virtual meetings. One full committee meeting is scheduled monthly and participation in at least one subcommittee meeting is expected monthly. Program development, research, and communications outreach will require 1-2 hours (or more based on current projects) between meetings.     

Constitution and Bylaws Committee

Term: Three Years

Charge and Responsibility
The committee maintains and interprets the ASLA Constitution, Bylaws, and Administrative Policies, advises the Board of Trustees on matters of governance and policy, and assists sponsors of proposed amendments. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for three years and are staggered to maintain continuity. The committee meets via conference call as frequently as business demands. Members are expected to participate in crafting revisions or amendments when necessary.

Corporate Member Committee

Term: Two Years 

The committee advises and makes recommendations to ASLA leaders and staff in response to identified issues facing the landscape architecture profession and practice. 

Charge and Responsibility
The Corporate Members Committee will offer its input, ideas, and advice to ASLA leaders and staff and act as a conduit with other ASLA Corporate Members in developing solutions. The Corporate Members Committee will be composed key and engaged Corporate Members from diverse market segments of the landscape architecture industry. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Corporate Members selected to serve on the committee will serve for two years. The committee will meet 8-10 times a year via video conference and/or at ASLA’s annual events and will provide formal reports back to the Board of Directors when necessary.


Ethics Committee

Term: Three Years

Members must be individuals who are extremely thorough and discreet in their committee work. The committee receives and processes complaints, recommends code amendments to the Board of Trustees, and educates members about ethics issues. All deliberations are strictly confidential.

Charge and Responsibility
Receive and process complaints filed against ASLA members for violation of the Code of Professional Ethics in accordance with the Rules of Procedure for Filing and Resolution of a Complaint. Periodically review the Code of Professional Ethics and the Code of Environmental Ethics and recommend changes to the Board of Trustees. Educate members about the codes through LAND articles and other means.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Appointments are for three years and staggered to ensure continuity. The committee meets via conference call on an as-needed basis. During case review, committee members are expected to review material before any conference call discussion.

Finance & Investments Committee

Term: Three Years

The Finance and Investments Committee advises the Board of Trustees on matters concerning ASLA's financial management. Members must be skilled in business practices and informed about ASLA’s financial status and condition.

Charge and Responsibility
Responsibilities include periodic review and evaluation of ASLA’s budgeting, fiscal management, and financial reporting policies and procedures; oversight of ASLA’s restricted and unrestricted reserve funds and other assets; recommendations on investment strategies; and review and recommendations on dues increases for all member categories.

Reference: ASLA Administrative Policies on Finance and Investments and Document Retention

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for three years and staggered to provide continuity. The Committee meets monthly via videoconference. Additionally, the committee meets annually in person for a one-to-two-hour informal meeting at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture for those able to attend. Overall time commitment is between 14 – 20 hours a year.

Government Affairs Advisory Group

Term: Two Years

The advisory group brings together members with expertise in a variety of areas to review and provide input on federal legislative and regulatory issues that affect the profession and helps implement ASLA’s federal legislative priorities. Members may be asked periodically to review legislation or regulations for input. Members should be prepared to submit examples of landscape architecture projects that address federal policy issues. This committee is seeking members with expertise in water and stormwater management, parks and recreation, active transportation, environmental justice, and climate mitigation projects and policies. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for two years and staggered for continuity. The group meets on an as needed basis as issues and projects develop.

Honors and Awards Committee

Term: Two Years

The committee recommends the slate of jurors for the professional and student awards programs and reviews and makes recommendations for updating or altering, when necessary, all of ASLA’s awards and honors programs. During their term of service, members of the Honors and Awards Advisory Committee and their firms/organizations/agencies may not be considered for the medal awards, Firm Award, or Community Service Award. 

Charge and Responsibility
Receive first notification of the intent to submit nominees for one of the medals, Firm Award, Community Service Award, or Honorary Membership. The committee may, at its discretion, search for additional candidates to round out the field. All nominations are forwarded to ASLA’s Executive Committee for its selection process prior to forwarding to the Board of Trustees. Review and make recommendations for updating and altering when necessary, ASLA’s awards and honors programs to include the medals, the professional awards and student awards programs, and honorary memberships.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Terms are for two years and staggered to provide continuity. The committee meets via video conference call once per month and communicates by email between calls. Members of the committee are invited to attend the Professional and Student Awards Ceremony at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture so they may congratulate the recipients.


Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM) Editorial Advisory Committee

Term: Two Years

Committee members provide the editor with ongoing intelligence from landscape architecture practice and education to help maximize the magazine’s editorial relevance to the profession. Members serve two-year terms that are staggered to maintain continuity.

Charge and Responsibility
Provide member expertise and input on the scope and direction of LAM editorial content and design. Ensure in an ongoing manner that the magazine adheres to the Board of Trustees-approved Mission Statement and Editorial Policies.

Reference: Landscape Architecture Magazine Mission Statement and Editorial Policies  

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The committee meets monthly by conference call and during the annual meeting. Committee members will take turns acting as the leader for monthly conference calls, gathering agenda items and facilitating discussion among committee members online via email and cloud-based interfaces between calls. Depending on the programs, members may be asked to form subcommittees and report out on individual topics (website upgrades, reader’s survey) Committee members are also expected to read LAM and other publications regularly, with an eye toward spotting topics that would be of interest to LAM’s readers and gathering ideas for nominations for Bradford Williams Medal in the spring. Committee members may be asked to volunteer for other activities at the Conference on Landscape Architecture including the LAMMY awards and GOODs Live!, as well as to attend the ASLA Awards ceremony.

International Federation of Landscape Architecture (IFLA) Representative

Term: Two Years

Charge and Responsibility
Represent the Society at IFLA World Council meetings; advance ASLA policy positions on international issues and practice and on the Society’s membership in the federation; and report to ASLA on IFLA activities and international developments of interest.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Time commitments include staying abreast of IFLA activities via the IFLA newsletter and other communications; preparations for and attendance at the IFLA World Council meeting; and reporting to ASLA following the Council meeting and at other times as needed. Within budget constraints, ASLA funds the representative’s attendance at the annual IFLA World Council meeting. Attendance at and participation in IFLA Americas conferences and events is also dependent on available funding.


LARE (Landscape Architecture Registration Examination) Prep Committee

Term: Two Years

Charge and Responsibility
The LARE Prep Committee develops resources and materials in support of those preparing to take the Landscape Architecture Registration Examination and assists ASLA chapters in promoting the benefits of licensure, offering LARE review workshops, content for Dear LARE-y, and guidance for exam candidates.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Appointments are for two years. This committee meets via conference call monthly and requires ongoing commitment to developing resources for LARE preparation, including print/online, webinar, and in-person content for exam candidates.

Licensure and State Government Affairs Committee

Term: Two Years

The Licensure and State Government Affairs Committee reviews and discusses national trends related to licensure and helps formulate responses to local, state, and federal licensure legislation.

Charge and Responsibility
Participates in the development and review of new licensure advocacy strategies and materials, including state and local restraints to the practice of landscape architecture and provides direct guidance to states facing licensure threats. Supports chapter advocacy efforts at the state and local level.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Committee meets monthly by conference call, with occasional additional work managed by subcommittees. Subcommittee work may include independent work and/or conference calls between the quarterly committee calls, as needed. 

MasterSpec Landscape Architecture Review Committee

MasterSpec Landscape Architecture Review Committee

Term: Two Years

The MasterSpec Landscape Architecture Review Committee members represent ASLA in the review of the Landscape Architecture Library and volunteer their time in support of MasterSpec. They attend quarterly Review Committee meetings (either in person or virtually) to review MasterSpec sections or other documents and confer on other committee matters as determined by the committee, the AIA, and Deltek. 

The MasterSpec Landscape Architecture Review Committee members are appointed by ASLA and approved by the AIA and have the same rights and responsibilities as the AIA-appointed members. Deltek provides staff support to the Committees and the Committee chairpersons, but the Committees operate independent of Deltek and its staff.

Charge and Responsibility
The committee is charged with the review of MasterSpec sections and related materials in an advisory role to AIA and Deltek. The committee reviews Landscape Architecture Library specification sections scheduled for updating, new sections, and other selected documents developed by Deltek for distribution to MasterSpec licensed users. In addition, the committee maintains liaisons with the AIA Contract Documents Committee and other appropriate groups within the AIA, as well as external organizations that contribute to MasterSpec. 

The committee may be asked to review other documents or discuss other topics by Deltek or the AIA. The objective or charge for those documents or discussions will be stated as the document or topic is presented to the committee.   

Committee members are asked to review documents in advance of each committee meeting using review tools provided by Deltek, with the support of AIA. Documents will be provided in an electronic format where comments can be captured for viewing by all reviewers.  

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Committee members attend quarterly two-day Review Committee meetings (typically three virtual meetings and one in-person meeting each year) to review MasterSpec sections or other documents and confer on other committee matters as determined by the committee, the AIA, and Deltek. Quarterly document review will require 6-8 hours of review time.

Member Engagement Committee

Term: One Year

To increase member engagement and promote ASLA membership recruitment and retention.

Charge and Responsibility
Committee members facilitate regular town hall meetings with new members and participate in the first-time attendee lounge at the ASLA Conference. They provide input on national and chapter member recruitment and retention efforts, professional membership qualifications, admission procedures, and privileges. The committee goals include brainstorming ideas related to communicating the value of membership to members and prospective members. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitments
Appointments are for one year, and the committee meets via conference call monthly. Members also participate in virtual town halls and the first-time attendee lounge at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture if they are attending.

Member Focus Groups

Term: One Year

To assist ASLA in evaluating new member offerings and initiatives.

Charge and Responsibility
Participants in the member focus groups meet to explore and discuss new initiatives or member offerings, such as technology or process improvements. The group shares their feedback, opinions, knowledge, and insights about the topic at hand.

Meeting Schedule and Tine Commitment
The focus groups are assembled on a short-term, as-needed basis

Policy Committee

Term: Two Years

Reference ASLA Bylaws, Section 802:
Adoption, amendment, or repeal of public policies on matters of professional interest or concern shall require an affirmative vote by two-thirds (2/3) of the entire voting membership of the Board of Trustees…

Charge and Responsibility
The Policy Committee formulates ASLA's public policies on issues impacting the profession and regularly reviews and updates policies and stylistic formats. Terms are for two years and are staggered to maintain continuity. Research and writing skills are an asset to this committee. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The full committee meets monthly by conference call with additional subcommittee meetings staggered throughout the year. Experienced committee members are expected to periodically serve as the lead for development or revision of a policy, which requires time to research and draft language for committee discussion.


SKILL | ED Practice Management Institute Committee

Term: One Year

The committee serves to support the ASLA SKILL | ED Practice Management Institute, offering cutting edge and transferable career skills-training for all practitioners. SKILL | ED programming and resources provide a full suite of professional training and services for landscape architects to run their businesses and manage projects. ASLA members from private and public practice are encouraged to apply to ensure programming meets the needs of a wide range of practice. 

Charge and Responsibility
Make recommendations to staff for invited professional development sessions and participate in the creation of SKILL | ED programming and resources, including but not limited to virtual events, webinars, articles, and guides. Explore and develop affinity programs that improve the personnel, systems, and resource management skills of all practitioners. Assist with ongoing projects including development and updating of standard form contracts and guidelines. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Committee members meet monthly via virtual meetings. Program development work and review will require 1-2 hours between monthly meetings.


Student Advisory Committee

Term: Two Years

The committee advises ASLA leaders and staff on key policies and programs that have an impact on student members and student chapters.

Student and Student Affiliate Members in good standing who will remain in the same member category for at least one year. Members are nominated by a professional chapter. The nomination process was held this spring and submissions will be reviewed in August. Please contact your chapter if you would like to be nominated in the future. Nominations include a description of the nominee’s qualifications and leadership qualities and provide a field where the nominator may insert a statement from the nominee.

Charge and Responsibility
Members will draw on their own experiences and that of their fellow students to provide input and feedback to inform annual program development and priority setting. The committee will focus on recruitment and retention of student members, provide support to the student chapters and student chapter presidents, and develop content for publications and social media. The committee chair will serve as the Student Representative to the Board of Trustees, a voting position, and serve as the liaison between the Board and the committee. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The committee meets by conference call monthly. Projects may require time commitment outside of conference calls. Committee chair attends the spring and fall meetings of the Board of Trustees during his/her term.

Student Support and Engagement Committee

Term: Two Years

The committee’s focus is to support and improve engagement for students and to help in their transition to emerging professionals.

Charge and Responsibility
The committee provides input in support of student engagement and development. It promotes collaboration and dialogue among students, emerging professionals, educators, practitioners and chapter leaders. The committee sets the direction on initiatives for the committee and for the larger student support network.

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
The committee meets monthly via videoconference. 


Tellers Committee

Term: One Year

To verify the annual elections of the Society.

Charge and Responsibility
Comprised of Full Members who are located near the ASLA headquarters, the committee reviews and verifies the annual election and other confidential ballots of the Society’s professional membership. 

Meeting Schedule and Time Commitment
Committee members meet in person once a year at ASLA headquarters to review and verify election results. The meeting is usually in June or July and requires two-to-three hours.


ASLA General Inquiries:

ASLA Center Event
Space Inquiries: 
Janet W. Davis 

PR Inquiries:

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion
Lisa Jennings
Senior Manager, Career Discovery
and Diversity

Donations to the ASLA Fund: 

