
ASLA Conference and Business Operations: Climate Action Commitments and Progress


Status on Climate Goals

  • Conference and business operations assessments will be released in 2025
  • Set new goals for energy, food, waste (see details below)


Practice: Scale Up Climate Positive Approaches

  • Conduct an assessment of ASLA 2025 Conference on Landscape Architecture
    • Result: In Progress 
  • Make a positive carbon contribution during the 2024 Conference by purchasing up to 3,500 tons of carbon offsets
    • Result: ASLA on track to achieve goal with offset partner National Indian Carbon Coalition
  • Implement communications strategy to encourage attendees to take the train or carpool
    • Result: Educated members on climate impacts of different modes of transportation through conference emails, infographics, and videos
    • Result: 2024 Conference on track to see a significant reduction in air travel in favor of train travel
  • Update future conference request for proposals to include questions about venue and hotel sustainability programs
    • Result: Completed
  • Set new energy goal: Require renewable energy credits for any convention center not powered by on-site renewable energy or renewable energy provider
    • Result: Completed for 2023 and 2024 and in place for future years
  • Set new food goal: Increase plant-based foods ordered by ASLA for the conference
    • Result: Implementation in progress for 2024 conference 
  • Set new waste goal: 2 pounds of waste per person and a waste diversion rate of above 71%
    • Result: On track to achieve goal 
    • Waste management program within the venues has been enhanced to increase waste diversion
    • Result: All serviceware used in the conference venue to be compostable
    • Result: All serviceware used in exhibit booths to be reusable (no plasticware)

Equity: Empower Communities to Achieve Climate Justice

  • Create ASLA Young Climate Leaders Program and invite students from Washington, D.C. high school in an underserved community
    • Result: Completed
  • Invite Washington, D.C.-based climate equity and justice leaders to attend the conference
    • Result: Completed
  • Feature Indigenous leaders and traditional ecological knowledge and other diverse leaders in conference educational program
    • Result: Completed

Advocacy: Build Coalitions for Climate Action

  •  Create climate change and biodiversity educational tracks at the conference
    •  Result: Completed
  • Update ASLA Exhibitor Sustainability Pledge and incentivize participation
    • Result: Campaign in progress to secure exhibitor participation in the 2024 Impact Assessment Survey and Pledge
    • Result: Recognize exhibitors who complete pledge in ASLA 2024 mobile app via icon
    • Result: Provide 5 percent increase in priority points for exhibitors that complete survey and pledge
    • Result: Include exhibitor pledge in ASLA 2025 exhibit booth application
    • Result: Participation in the 2025 Impact Assessment Survey added to the 2025 Exhibit Booth Contract
    • Result: New compostable serviceware mandate

Business Operations

  • Complete assessment of ASLA business operations, which includes the ASLA Center for Landscape Architecture in Washington, D.C.; LABash; and Landscape Architecture Magazine printing and shipping.
    • Result: December 2024 release


Status on ASLA Climate Goals 

  • Conference greenhouse emissions increased by 17 percent from 2022 to 2023.
    • Key causes:
      • The energy mix in Minneapolis, Minnesota included more fossil fuels than San Francisco, California, where the 2022 Conference was hosted
      • Collection of additional transportation emissions data
      • Updated methodology and calculations to align with the Net Zero Carbon Events Initiative. (See 2023 assessment for updated 2022 baseline data).


  • Conduct an assessment of the ASLA 2023 Conference on Landscape Architecture
    • Result: Completed in 2024
  • Create climate change and biodiversity educational tracks at the conference     
    • Result: Completed
  • Reduce food waste. Improve food guarantees by 5% to minimize over production of food.
    • Result: Completed
  • Improve the Waste Diversion Rate year over year by reducing the amount of landfill from the conference, with a goal of less than 4.9 pounds per person (per EPA).  
    • Result: 2.27 lbs per person and waste diversion rate of 71%
  • Make a positive carbon contribution by purchasing 1,500 tons of carbon offsets
    • Result: 1,226 tons of offsets purchased from partner Green Minneapolis  
  • Launch a new Sustainability Pledge for EXPO exhibitors
    • Result: 44 firms signed on
  • Develop a strategy to reduce transportation emissions for attendees and exhibitors traveling to and from the conference and while traveling in the host city.
    • Result: Initial strategy developed, with focus on incentivizing train travel and carpooling for the 2024 conference.  


Status on Climate Goals

  • ASLA Climate Action Plan released with key goals for ASLA and the profession
    • Set goal of reducing conference and business operations emissions by 20 percent for 2024
    • Set goal of achieving zero-emission conference and business operations by 2040 
    • Set goal of publicly-releasing annual conference and business operations sustainability assessments


  • Conducted a baseline audit of the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture, released in 2023


ASLA General Inquiries:

ASLA Center Event
Space Inquiries: 
Janet W. Davis 

PR Inquiries:

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion
Lisa Jennings
Senior Manager, Career Discovery
and Diversity

Donations to the ASLA Fund: 

