Professional Practice
Library, Archives, and Research Services

About the Library
The Professional Practice Library at ASLA houses more than 2,000 volumes on landscape architecture and related fields, and receives more than 130 journals and newsletters. In addition, it has archival copies of ASLA publications, including Landscape Architecture Magazine, membership directories, and annual meeting publications.
The ASLA library is a non-circulating library. Visitors may use the materials on site, but our materials are not available for loan. The library is currently closed to visitors.
Research Services
Research services, including past articles from Landscape Architecture Magazine (LAM), are available to members at no cost and to the public for a small fee. For more information, please contact the library by e-mail, or telephone, 202-216-2354.
Hours and Location
The library and most collections are currently unavailable. Remote library services are available weekdays from 8:30–5 (EST). For more information, please contact the library by e-mail, or telephone, 202-216-2354.
American Society of Landscape Architects
636 Eye Street NW
Washington DC 20001-3736
Online Catalog
: searchable catalog of ASLA library materials including books, journals, and archival materials.
ASLA Fellows Database
: Search the database to learn more about the work and achievement of all of the ASLA Fellows from the original class of 1899 through the current class.
Reference Guide for Archiving
: steps for landscape architects to consider and how to proceed with establishing a collection of materials of their executed works
Collections Database
: list of archival collections related to landscape architecture at other institutions
ASLA Chapter Archives: resources and suggestions for ASLA chapter leaders for organizing and maintaining their chapter archives
Legacy for Living Blog: history articles from the ASLA Archives
To purchase publications: ASLA no longer has a bookstore and library materials are not available for purchase through ASLA. Please go to
Books by ASLA Members
to purchase via our store.
Off-Site ASLA Archives: ASLA collection at the Library of Congress: