Professional Practice Networks
Healthcare and Therapeutic Design
Promote the concept of therapeutic gardens to administrators, healthcare professionals, and other key-decision makers who are influential in determining the creation of this alternative form of therapy. Collect, compile, and advance state-of-the-art information and research in the specialized practice areas of therapeutic garden design.
- Recommend ways to communicate the interests of PPN members through seminars, workshops, symposia, publications, etc.
- Advise ASLA, through the PPN Council, of changing needs in the specialized areas of therapeutic garden design.
- Increase the visibility of design professionals and healthcare professionals practicing in design and/or development of therapeutic gardens.
- Monitor and respond to legislation on specific issues to positively effect changes regarding the design and development of therapeutic gardens.
- Provide a channel of communication for PPN members to promote and lend credibility to information they generate.
- Develop/communicate state-of-the-art therapeutic garden practices, and distribute research/information relating to shared professional interests.
- Set standards for therapeutic gardens to assist practitioners and benefit users of these gardens.
- Distribute current information on therapeutic gardens to PPN members and related associations and organizations.
- Develop an advisory board of knowledgeable therapeutic garden professionals.
This is a group of people dedicated to increasing awareness of the importance of therapeutic gardens. If you are looking to become more active and want to share with others, please consider joining our PPN's leadership team.
We welcome new members. To join the Healthcare and Therapeutic Design PPN, please complete this form or contact ASLA Member Services at 888-999-ASLA or
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