
Questions ASLA Asked the Blue Ribbon Panelists

What are the most important and effective design and planning strategies for climate change mitigation and adaption?  

What design and planning techniques and policies can best address:  

  • The impact of sea level rise on vulnerable coastal and inland communities?
  • Growth of greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector?  
  • The negative health impacts of climate change (extreme heat, allergens, water-borne diseases, mental health impacts, etc), particularly with regard to low-income/disadvantaged communities?
  • The impact of climate change on biodiversity?

How can designers help wildlife and plant communities adapt or migrate?   

What are the biggest challenges for community planners and designers in addressing climate change?

What are the professional or institutional barriers —including federal, state, and local policies and regulations—to resilient design and planning?   

Describe the incentives (e.g., tax credits) that have been or could be helpful in advancing climate change mitigation and/or adaptation projects.

Is there a role for design professionals in facilitating communities’ use of renewable energy sources?   

How can we communicate effectively about climate change and designing for resilience?  What is the role of community engagement in addressing climate change? 

On June 1, 2017, the U.S. initiated the process of withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. What, if any, changes have you experienced or observed as a result of this dramatic change in U.S. policy.

What project or projects (yours or others) are good models of climate-smart and resilient design and planning?   

Tell us how you and your firm, institution, or organization have taken a leadership role in addressing climate change.  

Please list any research on designing or planning for climate change that you or your firm, institution, or organization have produced.  

What three pieces of literature about designing or planning for climate change (e.g., book, report, or article) do you recommend?


ASLA General Inquiries:

ASLA Center Event
Space Inquiries: 
Janet W. Davis 

PR Inquiries:

Diversity, Equity,
and Inclusion
Lisa Jennings
Senior Manager, Career Discovery
and Diversity

Donations to the ASLA Fund: 

