WASHINGTON, DC, August 16 , 2004—The American
Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) has announced the West
Philadelphia Landscape Project as the recipient of its 2004
Community Service Award, which will be presented during the
ASLA Annual Meeting, October 29-November 2, in Salt Lake City.
The West Philadelphia Landscape Project has employed the
knowledge, skills, technology, and methods of landscape architecture
to redesign and rebuild the landscape of an inner-city neighborhood.
Since 1987, numerous landscape architects and others, led
by Anne Whiston Spirn, ASLA, have provided pro bono
landscape architecture services to an under-served community
as part of a larger action research project that integrates
practice, research, education, and service. Making service
integral to teaching and linking it to a larger research agenda
has made it possible to sustain the project for 17 years,
during which long-term partnerships have formed. For example,
partnerships with a local school, a neighborhood coalition,
and a community garden have spawned new projects within and
among those groups and with city agencies. The program has
been cited as a model of academically based community service
by diverse institutions in Philadelphia, the United States,
and abroad.
In selecting the West Philadelphia Landscape Project, the
nine-member jury said “the long-term nature
of the effort is impressive; continual commitment is what
distinguishes this effort above others . . .engagement with
and impact on high school kids from inner city is outstanding.”
The ASLA Awards Program is administered by the ASLA
Library and Education Advocacy Fund, a nonprofit 501(c)
3 organization established by ASLA in 2001. The ASLA Fund
is dedicated to expanding the body of knowledge of the landscape
architecture profession, to promoting the value of landscape
architecture, and to increasing public understanding of environmental
and land use issues and principles.
Founded in 1899, ASLA is the national professional association
for landscape architects representing more than 14,200 members.
Landscape architecture is a comprehensive discipline of land
analysis, planning, design, management, preservation, and
rehabilitation. ASLA promotes the landscape architecture profession
and advances the practice through advocacy, education, communication,
and fellowship. Learn more about landscape architecture online
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