Professional Practice
Mpact Transit + Community 2025 Call for Speakers
Date: 2/24/2025 - 3/21/2025
Type: Call for Papers / Submissions
Be a speaker in Portland! The Call for Speakers for Mpact Transit + Community 2025 is open until Friday, March 21, midnight Pacific Standard Time.
The Mpact Transit + Community conference focuses on the potential for transit investments, connected mobility options, supportive land use and development — taken together — to create better lives and brighter futures.
Choose 1 of 6 tracks for your proposal:
1. How are you solving for funding gaps?
2. How are you solving for quality-of-life issues?
3. How are you solving for access and mobility?
4. How are you building a knowledge and action base?
5. How are you using transit-oriented development (TOD) to build complete communities?
6. Do you have a hot take or impactful story for the Mpact PK Slam? The Mpact PK Slam, hosted by the Mpact Innovators and powered by PechaKucha™, is an evening of wit, humor and fresh perspectives.