Professional Practice
Powell Street Improvement Project - Request for Proposals, Design Services
Date: 11/29/2023 - 12/20/2023
As Downtown San Francisco emerges from the Pandemic, lower Powell Street, entryway into Union Square and home of the iconic cable car turnaround, is ripe for change and new investment. The City of San Francisco and the Union Square Alliance are partnering to design and construct upgrades to the public realm along Powell between Market and Geary.
The City has allocated a total of $4 million dollars to support an upgrade to the sidewalk and pedestrian experience on Powell Street between Market and Geary Streets. The City has asked the Union Square Alliance to lead the schematic design and design development phases of the project.
The project goal is to improve the pedestrian environment, potentially including sidewalks, new sidewalk extensions, landscaping, lighting and wayfinding. The $4 million total budget is limited for this scope of work. The Alliance and the City are aware that choices and tradeoffs will need to be made as part of any successful design.
The Alliance is seeking through this Request for Proposals a highly qualified Design Firm which can successfully work with property owners and businesses, other community stakeholders, and the City to produce a beautiful, durable, and cost-effective design that will help restore Powell Street to the iconic status it deserves.
Proposals are due by 5pm, December 20, 2023.