Professional Practice

RFQ: Architectural and Engineering Professional Services for Rindge Dam Project in the California State Park System

Date: 5/12/2022 - 7/1/2022

Type: RFPs / RFQs

LA CES approved?: No

Location(s): California


Bid No. R21FD013

The California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Rindge Dam Planning, Engineering, and Design Project (PED Project) located in the California State Park System.

Rindge Dam is a 100-foot-high structure that is owned and managed by the California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR). It is located three miles from the ocean and is part of Malibu Creek State Park. Rindge Dam is in Malibu Creek watershed.

The Rindge family constructed Rindge Dam in 1926 for private water storage and local water supply. However, the dam’s reservoir filled with sediment by the mid-1940s. It was decommissioned in 1967, and then subsequently acquired by DPR. Over the decades since it was constructed, Rindge Dam has changed the ecological, hydrological, and aesthetic character of Malibu Creek. It is a total barrier to high-quality spawning and rearing habitat for the federally endangered Southern California steelhead trout (Southern steelhead). Rindge Dam also has resulted in segmented habitat for other aquatic and terrestrial wildlife species. Moreover, it has interrupted the natural sediment transport regime of the watershed, which means the sediment trapped in the reservoir behind the dam cannot flow downstream to nourish the beach and nearshore habitats. On a broad scale, this changed sediment transport regime has contributed to a loss of coastal resilience in the area.

This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Malibu Creek Ecosystem Restoration PED Project is a planning project that will generate a 90% Design that builds upon the technical work for the IFR and will result in engineering plans and specifications based on the LPP that establish the most ecologically and technically sound design that also meets public approval. The PED Project will create a path forward to achieve the main goal of Rindge Dam removal, which is to restore Malibu Creek watershed’s ecological integrity.





Professional Practice: 

Library and
Research Services:
Ian Bucacink

RFQs & Opportunities:

Historic Landscapes (HALS):

