Professional Practice

BCAC: Progress Updates (2023-2024)

Key Accomplishments:

All Subcommittees

1) Developed Biodiversity and Climate Action 101 for Landscape Architects, a Nine-Part Webinar Series Free for ASLA Members

When asked — what kind of collaborative research and knowledge sharing would best advance the goals of decarbonization and biodiversity protection? — the top response from ASLA members was access to a free webinar series.

In February 2024, the BCAC launched the webinar series to address a common question from landscape architects — "How do we implement this in practice?"

The series sought to expand knowledge about how to achieve the vision of the Climate Action Plan.

Biodiversity and Carbon Drawdown Subcommittee

1) Developed Decarbonizing Specifications: Guidelines for Landscape Architects, Specifiers, and Contractors

These guidelines make it easier for landscape architects to more effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions from project design and construction. Sections cover seven key design principles and 18 areas of specification.

They are for landscape architects and designers, specifiers, contractors, and manufacturers who want to cut emissions and increase carbon storage and sequestration faster.


Chris Hardy, ASLA, PLA, Sasaki
Alejandra Hinojosa, Affil. ASLA, LPA Design Studios
Elizabeth Moskalenko, ASLA, PLA, Trustee, ASLA NY Chapter
Bryce Carnehl, Corporate ASLA, Hunter Industries  

2) Developed Decarbonizing the Design Process: A Phase by Phase Approach for Landscape Architects

This guide offers a phase-by-phase structure to decarbonize design through big ideas, strategies, and best practices. It is high-level, offering approaches that can be implemented regardless of project type, scope, and scale.

The guide offers decarbonization opportunities for:

  • Project kickoff
  • Schematic design
  • Design development
  • Construction documents
  • Construction administration
  • Operations and maintenance 


Alejandra Hinojosa, Affil. ASLA, LPA Design Studios
Mariana Ricker, ASLA, SWA 
2) Developed Navigating Environmental Product Data: A Guide for Landscape Architects, Specifiers, and Industry Partners

The products and materials that landscape architects specify for their projects play a significant role in the overall global warming potential (GWP) of a project. They can also impact biodiversity, air and water quality.

The guide outlines how environmental product declarations (EPDs) and other environmental reporting can be used to understand the environmental impacts of landscape materials and products and make decisions to reduce those impacts.

Amy Syverson-Shaffer, ASLA, Landscape Forms
Sasha Anemone, ASLA, Salt Landscape Architects

4) Issued ASLA's first national survey on the role of landscape architects in advancing biodiversity goals.

Nearly 300 landscape architects, designers, and landscape architecture educators in the U.S. responded to the survey in July 2024.

The survey found that 96 percent of landscape architects are familiar with the impacts of the biodiversity crisis. 45 percent have made biodiversity conservation a top priority of their practice and another 41 percent consider biodiversity as part of their organization’s environmental ethos.

5) Represented ASLA and landscape architects at the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

BCAC member MaFe Gonzalez, ASLA, Landscape Designer and Botanist, BASE Landscape Architecture, advocated on behalf of ASLA and landscape architects at the CBD in Cali, Colombia.  

6) Wrote two public comment letters to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and ASHRAE advocating for standardized reporting and evaluation of embodied carbon emissions in construction materials and products.

  • ASLA submitted a letter of support for the EPA Label Program for Low Embodied Carbon Construction Materials, highlighting the importance of including living materials and biogenic materials in the program, emphasizing the need for standardized reporting methodologies.
  • In the second letter, ASLA commended the development of the ASHRAE / ICC Standard 240P, a draft carbon emissions evaluation standard aiming to quantify embodied and operational greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings and their sites. ASLA emphasized the inclusion of sites and infrastructure in the standard to address underrepresentation of emissions from the exterior built environment.

Climate Agency and Community Resilience Subcommittee

1) Issued survey to ASLA members on climate equity and justice projects. Analyzed results to inform development of new guide to climate equity and justice.

2) Led discussions with Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) Reconciliation Advisory Committee to advance ASLA Climate Action Plan goals on developing partnerships with Indigenous communities.   

3) Guided the development of the Call to Action released at the ASLA 2024 Conference: Co-Create a Future that Heals Land and Culture

4) Advised on ASLA 2024 Conference carbon offset strategy and communications, resulting in ASLA National's first partnership with an Indigenous-led organization 
the National Indian Carbon Coalition

Climate Leadership and Communications Subcommittee

1) Developed new strategy to grow the ASLA Climate Action Network (CAN) and led quarterly CAN calls. Results: Increased number of Chapters with representatives in the CAN by 9 and increased number of Chapter Biodiversity and Climate Action Committees and Chairs by 3. 

2) Advised on the development of ASLA COP29 video campaign.
3) Advised on development of new ASLA summaries on the economic benefits of landscape architecture and nature-based solutions.

4) Led presentations to ASLA Chapters and global organizations, including the Norwegian Association of Landscape Architects and the Shanghai Landscape Forum.     

See progress updates for the 2022-2023 Committee

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