Books by ASLA Members

Urban Planning and Design


Books by ASLA Members

Books by ASLA Members

Planning and design and how-to books related to climate change, sustainable urban development, sustainable transportation, community involvement, and other urban topics.
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Airport landscape

Airport Landscape : Urban Ecologies in the Aerial Age / Sonja Duempelmann, Charles Waldheim (Boston : Harvard University Graduate School of Design, 2016).

Completing Our Streets

Completing Our Streets: The Transition to Safe and Inclusive Transportation Networks / Barbara McCann (Island Press, 2013).

The Comprehensive Plan

The Comprehensive Plan: Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Communities for the 21st Century / David Rouse and Rocky Piro (Routledge, 2021).

Creating vibrant public spaces

Creating Vibrant Public Spaces : Streetscape Design in Commercial and Historic Districts / Ned Crankshaw (Washington : Island Press, 2009).

Design as Democracy

Design as Democracy: Techniques for Collective Creativity / by David de la Pena, Diane Jones Allen, Randolph T. Hester Jr., Jeffrey Hou, Laura J. Lawson, and Marcia J. McNally, eds. (Washington : Island Press, 2017).

Design by Fire

Design by Fire: Resistance, Co-Creation and Retreat in the Pyrocene / Emily Schlickman and Brett Milligan (Routledge, 2023).

Designing Urban Agriculture

Designing Urban Agriculture: A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Management of Edible Landscapes / April Philips (Wiley, 2013).

Ecological urbanism

Ecological Urbanism / Mohsen Mostafavi; Gareth Doherty (Zürich, Switzerland : Lars Müller, 2016).

Good Energy

Good Energy: Renewable Power and the Design of Everyday Life / Jared Green (Princeton Architectural Press, 2021).

Green metropolis

Green Metropolis : The Extraordinary Landscapes of New York City as Nature, History, and Design / Elizabeth Barlow Rogers (New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2016).

Housing as if people mattered

Housing as If People Mattered : Site Design Guidelines for Medium-Density Family Housing / Clare Cooper Marcus and Wendy Sarkissian ; with Sheena Wilson and Donald Perlgut (Berkeley : University of California Press, 1986).

Landscape as urbanism

Landscape as Urbanism : A General Theory / Charles Waldheim (Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2016).

Landscape infrastructure

Landscape Infrastructure : Case Studies by SWA / Ying-Yu Hung (Basel, Switzerland : Birkhäuser, 2013).

landscape urbanism reader

The Landscape Urbanism Reader / Charles Waldheim, editor (New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2006).

Lost in the transit desert

Lost in the Transit Desert : Race, Transit Access, and Suburban Form / Diane Jones Allen (New York : Routledge, 2018).

Making Plans

Making Plans: How to Engage with Landscape, Design, and the Urban Environment / Frederick R. Steiner (University of Texas, 2018).

Master-planned communities

Master-planned Communities : Lessons from the Developments of Chuck Cobb : Early Forms of Smart Growth / Kalvin Platt (Washington, D.C. : Urban Land Institute, 2011).

nature of urban design

The Nature of Urban Design : A New York Perspective on Resilience / Alexandros Washburn (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2013).

New geographies 3

New Geographies 3 : Urbanisms of Color / Gareth Doherty (Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010).

Paradoxes of green

Paradoxes of Green : Landscapes of a City-state / Gareth Doherty (Oakland: University of California Press, 2017).

Pedestrian malls

Pedestrian Malls, Streetscapes, and Urban Spaces / Harvey M. Rubenstein (New York : Wiley, 1992).

People places

People Places : Design Guidelines for Urban Open Space / edited by Clare Cooper Marcus and Carolyn Francis (New York : Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990).

Planning and urban design standards

Planning and Urban Design Standards / Frederick Steiner , Kent Butler , American Planning Association (Hoboken, N.J. : J. Wiley, 2007).

Principles of urban retail planning

Principles of Urban Retail Planning and Development / Robert J. Gibbs (Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, 2012).

Public space

Public Space / Stephen Carr (New York : Cambridge University Press, 1992).

Re-creating neighborhoods

Re-creating Neighborhoods for Successful Aging / Pauline S. Abbott (Baltimore, Md. : Health Professions Press, 2009).

River Cities, City Rivers

River Cities, City Rivers / Thaïsa Way, ed. (Dumbarton Oaks, 2018).

Salty Urbanism

Salty Urbanism: A Design Manual for Sea Level Rise Adaptation in Urban Areas / Jeffrey E. Huber (ORO Editions, 2024).

smart growth manual

The Smart Growth Manual / Andres Duany, Jeff Speck with Mike Lydon (New York : McGraw-Hill, 2010).

Social urbanism

Social Urbanism: Reframing Spatial Design - Discourses from Latin America / María Bellalta (San Francisco: Applied Research and Design, 2020).

Structures of Coastal Resilience

Structures of Coastal Resilience / Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Guy Nordenson, and Julia Chapman (Island Press, 2018).

Suburban nation

Suburban Nation : The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of the American Dream / Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, and Jeff Speck (New York : North Point Press, 2010).

The Topography of Wellness

The Topography of Wellness: How Health and Disease Shaped the American Landscape / Sara Jensen Carr (University of Virginia Press, 2021).

Toward an urban ecology

Toward an Urban Ecology / Kate Orff (New York : The Monacelli Press, 2016).

Trails for the twenty-first century

Trails for the Twenty-first Century : Planning, Design, and Management Manual for Multi-use Trails / Charles A. Flink, Kristine, Olka, Robert M. Searns ; Rails-to-Trails Conservancy (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2001).

Urban design and the bottom line

Urban Design and the Bottom Line : Optimizing the Return on Perception / Dennis Jerke, Douglas R. Porter, Terry J. Lassar (Washington, D.C. : the Urban Land Institute, 2008).

Urban Ecology

Urban Ecology for Citizens and Planners / Gail Hansen and Joseli Macedo (Gainesville : University of Florida Press, 2021).

Urban open space

Urban Open Space : Designing for User Needs / Mark Francis (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2003).

Village homes

Village Homes : A Community by Design / Mark Francis (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2003).

Walkable city

Walkable City : How Downtown Can Save America, One Step at a Time / Jeff Speck (New York : North Point Press, 2013).

Walkable City Rules

Walkable City Rules: 101 Steps to Making Better Places / Jeff Speck (Island Press, 2018).

Why Cities Need Large Parks

Why Cities Need Large Parks: Large Parks in Large Cities / Richard Murray, ed. (Routledge, 2021).

Wild by design

Wild by Design : Strategies for Creating Life-enhancing Landscapes / Margie Ruddick (Washington, D.C. : Island Press, 2016).

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