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*Clarification for the call for entries print brochure: The back cover image is the 2014 Residential Honor Award winner, West Texas Ranch, Marfa, Texas, Ten Eyck Landscape Architects, Inc. Photo: Terry Moore


Professional Awards

To enter the General Design, Residential Design, or Analysis and Planning categories, the official entrant must be an Associate, Full, or International ASLA member, or eligible to join ASLA in one of those categories. The Research and Communications categories are open to non-professionals, but the official entrant must be (or join as) an ASLA Affiliate, Associate, Full, or International member. The non-member fee includes a one-year membership in ASLA.* An official entrant in The Landmark Award category is not required to join ASLA to enter.

The jury process is “blind.” In other words, the identities of the entrant and creative team are not revealed to the jury. Members of the professional awards jury, as well as the firms, organizations, agencies, or employers they represent, are not eligible to enter the professional awards program. ASLA retains the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the program requirements or that presents a conflict of interest. In such cases, refunds will not be issued.

Student Awards

The official entrant must be a Student or Student Affiliate member of ASLA or eligible to join ASLA in either of those categories in order to enter. With the exception of the Student Collaboration Category, student entries may be individual or team efforts. For team entries, all team members who are landscape architecture students must be (or join as) Student or Student Affiliate ASLA members. The non-member fee includes a one-year membership in ASLA.* A list of all team members and their course of studies must be submitted with the entry form.

The jury process is “blind.” In other words, the identities of the entrant and creative team are not revealed to the jury. Members of the Student Awards Jury will recuse themselves from judging any entries with which they have a conflict of interest (for example, a juror who teaches in a landscape architecture program will not judge entries submitted by students from that program). ASLA retains the right to disqualify any entry that does not meet the program requirements or that presents a conflict of interest. In such cases, refunds will not be issued.

*Non-members entering multiple projects may pay the non-member fee for the first entry and the member fee for any additional entries. For information on membership qualifications, please visit asla.org or call