Updates from ASLA

Image Credit: Agency Landscape + Planning / Ryan Gamma Photography

President-Elect Question Forum - Question 1

President-Elect Candidate Forum – Question 1

Ahead of the annual election, we are sharing the candidates’ biographies and goals and directions statements.  Also, over the next three issues of LAND, the candidates will respond to questions about the future of the profession and ASLA, so please look for more over the next few months. 

All Full, Fellow, Associate, Student, and International Members in good standing will be eligible to cast a vote for President-Elect beginning May 6 and closing on June 6. They will receive an email or paper ballot to participate.

ASLA has partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems to administer the 2025 election. To ensure your election email arrives safely in your inbox on or around May 6, 2025, simply add the following email address as an approved sender:

This week’s question is “Why do I want to serve as President of ASLA?”


jennifer headshot
  Jennifer Nitzky, FASLA

Question 1: Why do I want to serve as President of ASLA?

ASLA has made great strides in accomplishing goals set in our strategic plan, initiatives that support our mission, and in laying down a roadmap for our future. I am excited about the direction ASLA is going in and the abundant opportunities for elevating awareness, growing our profession, and demonstrating our leadership in designing for environmental and social challenges. I am incredibly honored to be considered for ASLA President-elect - and I am ready to serve in this leadership role, and bring my energy and passion for our profession to take ASLA into the next stage of our 2030 vision plan and beyond. 

Through my active involvement in multiple ASLA committees and leadership roles, as well as my engagement with both local and national organizations, I have cultivated a deep understanding of ASLA's mission and initiatives. I have had the opportunity to collaborate with diverse professionals, advocating for the profession’s growth and success while fostering community engagement. These experiences have strengthened my ability to represent ASLA effectively, making me a confident and informed spokesperson for the organization. With a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing landscape architecture, I am well-equipped to communicate ASLA’s vision and drive its goals forward.

ASLA has a unique ability to bring us all together, creating a platform where we can expand the reach of our profession, engage in meaningful discussions, and find common ground to address our collective challenges. The inspiring leadership—both current and past—and the incredible individuals I’ve had the privilege of meeting through ASLA have been a driving force behind my desire to stay actively involved. Their passion, dedication, and innovative ideas fuel my own enthusiasm and commitment. Every interaction, every event, and every conversation is an opportunity to learn, grow, and be motivated by the people who share this journey. I am truly energized by the community we’ve built and the shared vision we’re working toward. As a leader in ASLA, I hope to inspire others to share in this collective experience and grow and strengthen our community.

I am deeply passionate about landscape architecture and committed to expanding awareness of our profession’s transformative power. My dedication to supporting our members and growing the field is driven by a vision to secure the future of landscape architecture and its ability to positively impact both people and our planet. Through comprehensive professional development, networking opportunities, and business support, landscape architects will be empowered to thrive in an ever-evolving landscape. ASLA cultivates a dynamic culture of innovation and collaboration, ensuring that its members are not only prepared to meet today’s challenges but are also positioned to lead the way in shaping the future of our built and natural environments. Together, we have the power to create sustainable, impactful solutions that will resonate for generations to come.


Gretchen Wilson, ASLA 

Question 1: Why do I want to serve as President of ASLA?

It is an honor to be nominated for President Elect. I am energized to continue serving you so I can give back to an organization and profession that has impacted me greatly. My commitment stems from a profound belief in our transformative power to enrich lives, improve health, and protect the environment. I feel fortunate to be a landscape architect, and I am driven by the belief that what we do is valuable and indispensable.

My professional journey has reinforced my belief that connecting people to nature and to each other is essential to creating a better future. This principle of humanature™, embedded at Dig Studio, not only describes the connection people make with nature in the spaces we create but is also about the process of designing and sustaining nature together. Watching people share the joy of the places they help create proves that landscape architects have unique listening and synthesizing abilities to create solutions that initiate impactful change

ASLA played a significant role in my professional journey, sparking my curiosity to learn and grow. It has given me the tools and inspiration needed to build a strong business. This personal impact fuels my commitment to spreading the joy and value of ASLA to a wider audience, through established and innovative approaches. I will strive to increase educational support and tools for small businesses to help them thrive at what we do best. I will also aim to inspire the next generation of landscape architects to be as ASLA inspired me.

I am eager to get out there to connect face to face with students, practitioners, policymakers, clients, developers, and the public to ensure they recognize the immense value we bring to their lives. I will uplift the importance of our work and be the voice for how the practice of landscape architecture benefits the world. Recognizing the complex challenges of our time, ASLA is a vital platform to connect with our clients and allied disciplines to create solutions. Dig’s award-winning work, often benefiting under-invested communities and integrating recreation with public infrastructure, demonstrates my commitment to leadership through teamwork with multiple agencies and allied professionals. Pulling from my wide range of experience and connections both professionally and through my recent education, I will use ASLA’s platform to strengthen our external relationships, empowering our profession to scale its impact.

My desire to be President of ASLA stems from a desire to give back and work on our shared goals together in a bigger way. Knowing our incredible ability to resolve current and future challenges firsthand, I will elevate our voice, expertise, and value through storytelling and shared experiences like tours. As your president, I will listen to your ideas and concerns, working with the board and executive committee to shape ASLA into the organization you envision. I am committed to the power of collaboration to sustain, transform, and grow ASLA for the future, empowering us to have an even greater impact on the world and the profession we all love.

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