Updates from ASLA


ASLA's YOUR LAND Magazine is Back!

Source: 2023 Professional Awards - PopCourts! – A Small Plaza That Turned Into a Movement / Photo Credits: West Side Health Authority, community partner (PopCourts!, PopGrove, PopF!t) Far South Community Development Corporation, community partner (PopHeights!) City of Chicago - Department of Planning, partner

ASLA is thrilled to introduce an exciting refresh of YOUR LAND, the popular magazine that introduces landscape architecture to middle and high school students. The new featured project is ASLA's 2023 Honors-Urban Design Award winner PopCourts! by The Lamar Johnson Collaborative.  

Thanks to the generous support of Landscape Structures, ASLA members and educators can engage youth audiences in the one profession that shapes their outdoor environments, strengthens communities, and promotes healthy climates and lifestyles. 

As a post-pandemic response, PopCourts! is a public plaza that transformed a historically disinvested commercial corridor and changed how the City of Chicago thinks about vacant space.  

Designed, funded and built in less than a year, the project became a case study and inspiration for the “Public Outdoor Plaza” program. The “POP” program has pledged to fund ten more community plazas along neighborhood retail corridors in historically underinvested and primarily black and brown communities.


Photo credit: Anezka Gocova 

The success of PopCourts! and its brand inspired the city to dedicate 10 million dollars to a city-wide Public Outdoor Plaza (POP) program to support community-based organizations in their efforts to spur economic development and activate underutilized commercial corridors.

Untitled design (2)

Photo Credit: Shelby Kroeger

Access the digital version of YOUR LAND on ASLA's Career Discovery and Diversity web page and ASLA's Tools for PreK-12 Teachers web page

Request bulk orders of YOUR LAND here. The publication is free. Recipients must pay for shipping. 

Please direct questions to Lisa Jennings, Senior Manager, Career Discovery and Diversity at 


On Sunday, October 6 – Tuesday, October 8, elementary school educators in the DMV will join ASLA members at the 2024 annual Conference on Landscape Architecture. Building on three years of student-focused educational programming, ASLA is pleased to offer DREAM BIG with Design: TEACHER’S EDITION, a three-day professional development event for elementary school educators at the headquarters of ASLA in Washington, DC. If you have connections to schools in Washington, DC, Maryland and/or Virginia, please invite them to learn more. Direct questions to Lisa J. Jennings, Senior Manager, Career Discovery and Diversity at   


YOUR LAND Sponsored by:

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