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Dear LAREy: Mastering Time Management for the L.A.R.E. Exams

Main image: fitzkes; thumbnail image:, UfukSaracoglu

Dear LAREy, 

I am about to take the LARE for the first time and am concerned about time management during the exam. I am not only worried that I may not finish the exam in time but am also concerned that I will have extra time at the end. Are there any time management strategies that will help me optimize my performance during the exams? 


Racing Against the Clock 


Dear Racing Against the Clock, 

You are correct, time management is a crucial aspect of passing the L.A.R.E. Here are some considerations to help you make the most of your exam time. 

First, understand exam time. For example, in the Inventory, Analysis, and Project Management section, you have 3 hours to answer 100 items. While this breaks down to 1.8 minutes per item, some items, especially the Advanced Item types will require substantially more than the 1.8 average. It is important to bank time on the less complicated, one answer items. The more time you save in the beginning, the more time you will have for the more application-oriented items. 

Regardless of the item type or the number of required responses, each item is worth only one point. There is no penalty for wrong answers. As the exam ends, if you are unsure, take a guess and move on. 

Now, let’s take a look at the exam item types you will encounter: 

  • Multiple Choice: One correct answer among three distractors. 
  • Multiple Response: Two to five correct responses. 
  • Advanced Item Types: These include Drag-and-Place and Hot Spot items. While each item generally requires multiple responses, each item is still worth only one point. 

To manage your time effectively: 

  • Skim a Few Exam Questions First: Briefly skim a few exam questions to calm down and familiarize yourself with the content and question types. Though be careful in how many questions you skim over. Remember all read questions must be answered prior to taking any breaks.  
  • Begin with Multiple Choice Items: Since these require only one response, tackle them first. If you don’t know an answer, flag it and move on. Return to flagged items later to select your best guess. 
  • Move to Multiple Response Items: Approach these similarly, reading each response as totally true or false. Don’t overthink or play "what if" games—read the item as presented. 
  • Reserve Advanced Item Types for Last: These items are application oriented. Start by carefully reading the item, then examine the graphic and any related drop-down information. Apply all to the resolution. The resolution process for each item will be consistent across the exam. Do not deviate or read into any item. Use only the information provided 

As you proceed, stay mindful of the time but don’t obsess over it. Select an answer and keep moving. If you finish early, review and make any necessary changes. Unless you are absolutely certain, do not change an answer. The odds are not on your side.  

If you proceed at a steady pace, there is enough time to complete the exam. You cannot linger on any single item however. Move on. By following this approach, you’ll optimize your time and increase your chances of success. 

Best of Luck, 



P.S. Don’t miss out on LARE Prep Workshops (October 5 & 6) at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture in Washington, D.C. (October 6-9). Or check out our on-demand workshop recordings at

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