Updates from ASLA


Dear LAREy: What Resources Do You Recommend?

Dear LAREy,

I've recently begun preparing for the L.A.R.E., and I'm familiar with CLARB’s list of recommended books/resources. However, I’m not sure if there are other study resources, books, practice exams, or online courses I should use as well. What do you recommend?  I want to make sure I'm investing my time and money wisely.


Seeking Study Savvy

Dear Seeking Study Savvy,

Navigating the sea of L.A.R.E. study resources can indeed be daunting, but fear not! Here are some recommendations to help you make informed choices:

ASLA Research Reports: (Free to members)

Online Courses:
Practice Exams:
Remember to choose resources that align with your learning style and study preferences. Wishing you all the best as you embark on your study journey!


P.S. Don’t miss early-bird pricing on LARE Prep Workshops (October 5 & 6) at the ASLA Conference on Landscape Architecture in Washington, D.C. (October 6-9). Or check out our on-demand workshop recordings at


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