Updates from ASLA


Federal Tax Bill to Support Landscape Architecture R&D

U.S. Capitol /, lucky photographer

Landscape architects frequently conduct research and development (R&D) to expand knowledge, technology, and expertise in professional practice. These efforts result in innovations that support biodiversity, active transportation, clean air and water, and much more. ASLA supports measures that increase landscape architecture R&D efforts.

To these ends, ASLA supports H.R. 2673, the American Innovation and Research and Development Act, which would allow businesses to receive full annual tax deductions for R&D expenses. It also would expand business eligibility for the deduction to include more small businesses and start-ups.

On January 31, 2024, the House of Representatives passed this measure as part of the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act. ASLA sent a letter to the House Ways and Means Committee leadership commending the passage of the R&D provision. The Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act is now working its way through the Senate. ASLA will work to include the R&D provision in a final version.

If signed into law, this legislation will empower landscape architecture firms of all sizes to explore new technologies, materials, and methods for improving the built and natural environment.

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