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Dear LAREy: Understanding L.A.R.E. Scoring and Results

Main image: fitzkes; thumbnail image:, UfukSaracoglu

Dear LAREy,

I am taking my first L.A.R.E. exam this April and I heard CLARB made some change to the scoring and results of the exams. Can you please help explain to me what changed?


Thank you for the email, Sophia.

December 2023 was the first administration of the current L.A.R.E. While the way the L.A.R.E. is scored has not changed with the updated L.A.R.E., CLARB released additional feedback for candidates who fail any section of the exam.

Now, all candidates taking the L.A.R.E. will be provided separate feedback notifications to help them understand how they performed on the exam.

The CLARB Diagnostic Feedback is a scaled score provided to candidates as a performance indicator demonstrating how close they were to the passing point. For each section, candidates must obtain a scaled score of at least 650 to pass. A scaled score of 640, for example, would indicate that a candidate was very close to passing.

LARE score scaleCredit: CLARB

Sub-Domain Feedback:

As part of your results, you will be provided with one of the following performance reviews. This feedback is intended to help you better understand how you performed on each sub-domain of the exam:

  • Well Below Proficient: Indicates in this administration the candidate performed well below the minimum competency threshold for this area of practice.
  • Slightly Below Proficient: Indicates in this administration the candidate performed just below the minimum competency threshold for this area of practice.

  • Proficient: Indicates in this administration the candidate performed at or above the minimum competency threshold for this area of practice.

LARE score gridCredit: CLARB

L.A.R.E. Exam sections and corresponding sub-domains:

For more information on each exam’s corresponding sub-domains and the percentage of items that will be included in that subsection topic, review CLARB’s Orientation Guide.

CLARB also provides scoring information in their Orientation Guide.


Upcoming LARE Prep Opportunity: Dear LAREy AMA – February 29th

Dear LAREy will host an “Ask Me Anything” session on Thursday, February 29 at 3:00 pm EST. If you are taking an exam in April join this 60–90-minute session to have your questions about the content answered by industry experts. Benefit from their professional experience and insights to address the uncertainties you may have with exam content. Free for ASLA members and $20 for non-members.Register Today!

Please keep the L.A.R.E. questions coming! If you would like to ask LAREy a question, send an email to

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