Updates from ASLA

Image Credit: Agency Landscape + Planning / Ryan Gamma Photography

Biodiversity and Climate Action 101 for Landscape Architects

ASLA 2019 Professional General Design Honor Award. Hunter’s Point South Waterfront Park Phase II: A New Urban Ecology. Long Island City, NY, USA. SWA/BALSLEY and WEISS/MANFREDI with ARUP / copyright Vecerka/ESTO, courtesy of SWA/BALSLEY and WEISS/MANFREDI

For more than a year, the ASLA Biodiversity and Climate Action Committee (BCAC) has led the implementation of the ASLA Climate Action Plan.

From 2022 to 2023, the committee’s key accomplishments include:

Last summer, the committee also developed ASLA's first national survey on the role of landscape architecture products in achieving decarbonization and biodiversity goals.

When asked what kind of collaborative research and knowledge sharing would best advance the goals of decarbonization and biodiversity protection? the top response from ASLA members was access to a free webinar series.

On February 20, the BCAC is launching a 9-part webinar series to address a common question from landscape architects  "How do we implement this in practice?"

This series is designed to expand knowledge about how to achieve the vision of the Climate Action Plan.

Our Vision for 2040:

All landscape architecture projects will simultaneously:

  • Achieve zero embodied and operational emissions and increase carbon sequestration
  • Provide significant economic benefits in the form of measurable ecosystem services, health co-benefits, sequestration, and green jobs
  • Address climate injustices, empower communities, and increase equitable distribution of climate investments
  • Restore ecosystems and protect, conserve, and enhance biodiversity.

ASLA encourages all members to take advantage of this free webinar series, kicking off in February:

Introduction to Carbon in the Built & Living Environments - 1.0 PDH (LA CES/HSW)
SITES-Specific CE Hours Pending
Tuesday, February 20
1pm EST 

Registration is also available for the full 9-part series.

Future webinar series topics:

March  Decarbonizing Design: Best Practices and Strategies by Design Practice
April  Material Selection for Low Carbon Design

May  Reimagining Our Industrial Ecology: Process, Certifications, & Verification

June  Towards Zero Emission Business Operations: How to Reduce the Climate Impacts of Offices

July  Climate Equity and Justice

August  Influencing Federal, State, and City Policies: Success Stories and New Opportunities

September  Urban Ecology (Carbon + Biodiversity)

October  Biodiversity Metrics

More information on webinar dates and speakers will be available in coming weeks.  

This webinar series is underwritten by Landscape Forms


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