Updates from ASLA


Submit Your Game Changer Today!

2022 Game Changers/ Image by ASLA

Do you have an idea that will change how the field approaches climate action? Here's your opportunity to share it at the ASLA 2023 Conference on Landscape Architecture in Minneapolis.

The ASLA Climate Action Plan  seeks to transform the practice of landscape architecture by 2040 through actions taken by ASLA and its members focused on climate mitigation and adaptation, ecological restoration, biodiversity, equity, and economic development. This year, we ask submissions focus on a Climate Action Plan goal. The possibilities for action are endless. Sharing new ideas, data, metrics, and tools will help the entire landscape architecture community become better at this work.

Game Changer presentations are designed to be fast-paced, innovative talks. Presenters will have just seven minutes to share their game changing idea. The deadline for presentation proposals is noon CT, August 24.

The top submissions will be invited to present their game changing idea at the ASLA 2023 Conference. The winning game changer (selected by jury) will receive $500 toward professional development opportunities.



No matter your speaking experience, this is a great opportunity to share ideas and concepts under development that will drive innovation. Submissions from first-time presenters, students, emerging professionals, and allied professionals are strongly encouraged.

Learn more about the online submission and review process and submit your Game Changer before August 24. 

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