Updates from ASLA

Image Credit: Agency Landscape + Planning / Ryan Gamma Photography

Tell your story at ASLA 2023 Conference on Landscape Architecture

Image of Minnesota Skyline - -  Gian Lorenzo Ferretti Photography

Are you considering submitting a session proposal for the ASLA 2023 Conference on Landscape Architecture? ASLA relies on all of you to design an unparalleled program of thoughtful, innovative, forward-thinking sessions that inspire everyone.

Here's why you should submit a proposal for #ASLA2023:
  • Pride in the profession – The ASLA Conference is a chance for our discipline to shine! Your project or research is making a positive impact that others can learn from and that can positively inform the industry profession.
  • Bring collaborators to the table - Including your collaborators from allied disciplines, even well beyond landscape architecture, increases the breadth of knowledge of your panel. Share your unique project approach with others!
  • Make connections that support you long after the conference – You will inevitably connect with attendees, especially students, who are passionate about the subject matter you’re presenting. These conversations can lead to new business opportunities, professional networks, and friendships.

If you’re an ASLA member, make sure you have your unique ASLA Member ID or username handy – you should use it to log into the submission system.

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