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Federal Government Confirms Outdoor Recreation Leads Economic Growth

On November 9, 2022, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) released 2021 national statistics demonstrating the various benefits the outdoor recreation industry has on the national economy—including $862 billion in economic output and 4.5 million jobs created. Outdoor recreation activities like bicycling, boating, hiking, outdoor concerts, and travel and tourism include only some of the reasons for this year’s record-breaking data. As leaders in creating outdoor recreation opportunities, landscape architects directly contribute to this economic success in communities nationwide.

“Outdoor recreation provides countless health, social, environmental, and economic benefits. The 2021 record-breaking BEA data affirms the significance of parks to our nation. ASLA is honored landscape architects, alongside other industry leaders, create and enhance outdoor recreation opportunities to better serve our communities.” said Torey Carter-Conneen, Chief Executive Officer of ASLA.

Landscape architects have a proven track record of successfully designing parks and outdoor recreation spaces that improve human health and the environment, provide safe, equitable access to the outdoors, and protect our nation’s natural, cultural, and historic resources. ASLA will continue its efforts to secure parks and recreation funding and policies that increase the profession’s opportunities to create more outdoor spaces. Currently, ASLA is working pass the Outdoors for All Act, which seeks to enhance outdoor recreation opportunities in underserved communities. Specifically, this measure would provide funding for new parks, renovate existing recreation facilities, and develop infrastructure supporting outdoor education and public land volunteerism in underserved communities. Landscape architects and other advocates may encourage their congressional representatives to support this legislation by taking action here.

The full Outdoor Recreation Satellite Account report can be viewed here.

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