A Multi-Functional Park
The park design includes a playground and a large grassy oval meadow that serves as an amphitheater and concert stage for performances. Public art and interpretive exhibits also celebrate the waterfront site.
Image: Halvorson Design Partnership
Performance Space
The informal stage is used for concerts and gatherings.
Image: Halvorson Design Partnership
Connecting Paths
Paths within Paul Revere Park connect under the Zakim Bridge and across the North Bank Bridge to North Point Park.
Image: Halvorson Design Partnership
Interpretive Art
Interpretive elements are incorporated into the stone walls of the park. This panel, the work of artist Susan Gamble, includes an excerpt from Paul Revere’s own account of his 1775 ride from Charlestown to Lexington.
Image: Halvorson Design Partnership
Sweeping Curves
The upstream half of Paul Revere Park was designed by Carol R. Johnson Associates. The sweeping curves of the paths extend beyond the Zakim Bridge to the North Bank Bridge accessible for pedestrians and cyclists.
Image: CRJA
An Elegant Connection
The elegant North Bank Bridge, designed by Ammann & Whitney with Buro Happold and Julian Hakes, is supported by a tubular-steel sinesoidal truss that follows an s-curve in plan. The bridge over the commuter rail tracks and the Duck Boat ramp provides a crucial connection between Paul Revere Park and North Point Park.
Image: CRJA
Crossing the Dam
The park is accessible from Causeway Street via the walkway on the Gridley Locks and walkways under the North Washington Street bridge that link to the Charlestown Navy Yard and City Square Park. Fenced walkways on the ends of the lock gates enable visitors to cross the dam. Pedestrians and cyclists have a close-up view of the lock mechanisms.
Image: Phil DeJoseph, Central Artery/Tunnel Project 
City Square Park
Across Rutherford Avenue from Paul Revere Park, City Square Park, designed by Halvorson Design Partnership, offers a contemplative green oasis in the midst of Boston’s historic Charlestown neighborhood. The towers of the Zakim Bridge in the distance mark the north and south banks of the Charles River below.
Image: Friend of City Square Park
Lock System
View of the 1978 lock. Boats going between the Boston Harbor and Charles River must go through this lock system first.
Image: Halvorson Design Partnership