Hugh C. Miller FAIA, Honorary ASLA
The LaGasse Medal, recognizes individuals who have made notable contributions to the management and conservancy of natural resources and/or public lands. The recipient must possess a minimum of five years in a position directly responsible for managing natural resources or public lands.
During his 28 years with the National Park Service, Hugh C. Miller
FAIA, Honorary ASLA, has promoted historic preservation thought
and practice throughout the United States. As staff architect he
initiated the study of cultural landscape in the Park System and
created policies and procedures for their preservation. In July
1989 he became the first director of the Virginia Department of
Historic Resources. Here he expanded the survey and documentation
of historic places for listing on the National Register and as Virginia
Landmarks. In addition, Miller also received the ASLA Virginia Chapter's
Allied Professional Award in April 2006, recognizing his outstanding
contributions to the profession of landscape architecture.
Read the nomination letter from Lynn Crump, ASLA, and Terry Clements, ASLA, and support letters from Charles W. Steger Ph.D., FAIA, Mary V. Hughes, FASLA, Governor Timothy M. Kaine, Barry W. Starke, FASLA, and Suzanne Turner, FASLA.

Where the interests of all parties are understood in project review
there is an environment for creative solutions and preservation. |

Locating historic resources on a map is the critical step for local officials and property owners to plan for
preservation and the future.

Guidelines and standards for identification of landscapes were developed at training workshops based on the work of Melnick.

Rehabilitation of buildings and streets has energized downtowns with new vital activities and a sense of place for citizens and tourists.

Virginia led the nation by coordinating the promotion of lesser known historic places and programs in Statewide celebrations.

Saving small rural towns, like Waterford, on the urban edge has become models for imaginative preservation tools to protect their buildings and settings. |

Buildings of the recent past that are underutilized provide an opportunity for new partnerships for rehabilitation and adapted new uses.
Virginia's rural countryside has defined the State's heritage and now presents a challenge for preservation planning and continued open space uses.