2004 Awards
Landmark Award Rules and Entry Instructions
- The Landmark Award recognizes a built project completed 15-50 years
ago that has become an integral part of the fabric of its community,
contributed significantly to the public realm, and exhibits the inherent
qualities of a landmark such as educational research and study, critical
acknowledgement or public acclaim, recognition, and enjoyment.
- Nominations may be submitted by the original designer, on behalf
of the original designer, or by any individual, firm, or organization
in the community.
Entry Instructions
- All submission materials must fit into the official entry binder
provided by ASLA. The binder contains 24 views in 8.5” x 11”
format. The jury will not consider any items that are oversized or behind
other items. Additional material not included in the binder views will
be discarded.
- Entries in this category may reveal the name of the original landscape
architect and owner, as appropriate and relevant in the descriptive
data and supporting materials. The nominator, however, should only be
listed on the Landmark
Concealed Identification and Credit Form (.doc).
- Entrants are responsible for clearing photographs with photographers
for publication and reproduction by ASLA. ASLA will provide proper photography
credit when using photos, but will not assume responsibility for any
copyrights or photography fees.
- Binder covers may not be altered in any manner.
Entry binders should contain the following items:
- Descriptive Data Summary: Complete the form and
place the two (2) pages so that they show as the first two views of
the Entry Binder. Landmark
Descriptive Data Summary Form (.rtf)
- Drawings and Photographs:
- Please submit at least five (5), but no more than fifteen (15),
total drawings and/or photographs, in both hard copy and electronically
on a CD-ROM (see details below).
- Hard copy drawings and photographs must be 8” x 10”
in either landscape or portrait format. No collages or smaller format
photos will be considered.
- Descriptions of Drawings and Photographs: On a separate,
one-page, typed sheet, please provide one or two sentences describing
each drawing and photo. Place the sheet in the view immediately following
the photos in the Entry Binder.
- Concealed Identification and Credit Form: Complete
the Landmark Concealed
Identification and Credit Form (.doc) and attach to the
front cover of the Entry Binder with a paperclip (please do not staple).
- Copy of Submission on CD-ROM [required]:
- Save all Entry Binder contents on an IBM-compatible CD-ROM.
- The Descriptive Data Summary, descriptions of drawings and photographs,
and Concealed Identification and Credit form should be saved in
a word processing application (such as rich text format, MS Word,
WordPerfect, WordPad, etc.).
- Photographs and drawings must be stored in JPEG format and the
dimensions should be 3000 pixels x 2400 pixels, at a minimum of
300 ppi (pixels per inch). Label each image with your Entry Binder
number and the number of the image. For example, if your entry number
is “123,” you will label your JPEG files as 123-01,
123-02, 123-03, and so on.
- Please label the CD-ROM jewel case with your Entry Binder number
and secure the CD-ROM in the pocket inside the front cover of the
Entry Binder.
To download and edit forms:
- Place cursor over highlighted link;
- Right click on mouse to show menu of options;
- Click “Save Link/Target As” and save to your hard drive
(under a name and place you can easily find);
- Open with word processing application (MS Word, WordPerfect, WordPad,