American Society of Landscape Architects 2004 Awards c a l l f o r e n t r i e s Professional Awards Community Service Award The Landmark Award Deadline for receipt of entry form: Friday, April 30, 2004 Deadline for submission of materials: postmarked by Friday, May 14, 2004 2003 ASLA Design Excellence Award Westlake Corporate Campus Westlake, TX SWA Group Photo by Tom Fox 2003 ASLA Design honor Award J. Paul Getty center Los Angeles, CA Olin Partnership, Ltd. Photo by Tim Rue, True Photo 2003 ASLA Design Merit Award 560 Mission Street San Francisco, CA Hart Howerton Planners, Architects, and Landscape Architects Photo by Amy Wolff 2003 ASLA Design Honor Award Hither Lane East Hampton, NY Reed Hilderbrand Associates, inc. Photo by Alan Ward ASLA 2004 Awards Each year, the ASLA Awards program honors the best in landscape architecture from around the globe. Award recipients receive featured coverage in Landscape Architecture magazine, as well as with other design and construction industry and general interest media. The prestige of the ASLA Awards program relies in large part on the high-caliber jury that is convened each year to review the submissions. Frederick R. Steiner, ASLA, jury chair Dean, School of Architecture University of Texas at Austin Austin, TX Barbara Faga, FASLA Chair of the Board EDAW, Inc. Atlanta, GA Richard L. Haag, FASLA Principal Richard Haag Associates, Inc. Seattle, WA Gary R. Hilderbrand, FASLA Principal Reed Hilderbrand Associates, Inc. Watertown, MA Bill Marken Editor-in-Chief Garden Design magazine Los Altos, CA F. Christopher Dimond, FASLA Senior Vice President, Chairman, Urban Design & Planning Services HNTB Corporation Kansas City, MO Janice Cervelli Schach, FASLA Dean, College of Architecture, Arts, and Humanities Clemson University Clemson, SC Susan S. Szenasy Editor-in-Chief Metropolis magazine New York, NY Carol A. Whipple, FASLA Senior Project Manager National Park Service Denver, CO Design Category ¥ Recognizes site-specific works of landscape architecture, including urban design. ¥ Typical design project types may include: residential; parks and recreation; urban design, streets, and public spaces; transportation corridors and facilities; gardens and arboreta; security design; hospitality and resorts; institutions; historic preservation and restoration; reclamation; conservation; corporate and commercial; landscape art and earth sculpture; interior landscapes; etc. ¥ The jury will consider the quality of the design, functionalism, context, and environmental responsibility. Analysis and Planning Category ¥ Recognizes the wide variety of professional activities that lead to, guide, and evaluate landscape architecture design. ¥ Typical analysis and planning projects may include: general development; regional transportation; recreation; large-scale urban; security design; government policies, programs, legislation, or regulations; environment; natural-resource protection, conservation, restoration, and/or reclamation; etc. ¥ The jury will consider the quality of the analysis and planning, functionalism, context, and environmental responsibility. Research Category ¥ Recognizes research projects that identify, investigate, and address challenges posed in landscape architecture, providing results that advance the body of knowledge for the profession. ¥ Typical research topics may include: individual designers, projects, or project types; design or planning technology, methods, and/or materials; economic impact of landscape architecture; reclamation; restoration; conservation and sustainability; plant technology; security design; fire prevention; public policies; etc. ¥ Judging criteria will include: execution of the research process; quality of the presentation; and significance of the results to the profession. Communications Category ¥ Recognizes achievements in communicating landscape architecture history, art, technology, theory, and/or practice to those within or outside the profession. ¥ Typical communications entries may include: articles, magazines, books, and other print publications; videos; Internet sites; CD-ROMs; audio recordings; signage; exhibitions; public relations campaigns; etc. ¥ The jury will consider the quality of message presentation, functionalism, context, and value to the intended audience. Who May Enter the Professional Awards ¥ Individuals, firms, owners, public agencies, organizations, or other entities may enter as long as the projectÕs creative team includes at least one of the following: Ña landscape architect; Ña graduate of a landscape architecture program; or Ña faculty member of a landscape architecture program. NOTE: The work of non-landscape architects may be submitted in the Communications category. Professional Awards Recognition Levels ¥ Excellence AwardÑOne Excellence Award may be designated in each category annually. ¥ Honor AwardÑA maximum of five percent of the entries in each category may receive Honor Awards annually. ¥ Merit AwardÑAny number of entries in each category may receive Merit Awards annually. Community Service Award ¥ This award recognizes individual landscape architects, landscape architecture firms, landscape architecture educational programs, or ASLA Chapters for community service demonstrating sound principles of landscape architecture over a sustained period of at least five years. ¥ The community service must have been performed on a pro bono basis. ¥ The jury will consider the impact the service has had on landscape architecture, the communityÕs quality of life, and the environment. ¥ Self-nominations and nominations on behalf of qualified candidates are welcome. ¥ One award is presented annually. The Landmark Award ¥ This award recognizes a built landscape architecture project completed between 15 and 50 years ago that has become an integral part of the fabric of its community, contributed significantly to the public realm, and exhibits the inherent qualities of a landmark such as educational research and study, critical acknowledgement or public acclaim, recognition, and enjoyment. ASLA welcomes the National Trust for Historic Preservation as its co-sponsor for the Landmark Award. Paul Daniel Marriott, Director of the National TrustÕs Rural Heritage/Historic Roads Program, will join the awards jury in judging the submissions for this award. ¥ Typical entries may include: parks and recreational facilities; monuments or works of landscape architecture art; communities and housing; streets and public spaces; transportation corridors and facilities; public estates, gardens, and arboreta; institutions; commercial facilities; resorts; etc. ¥ The jury will consider the significance the project holds in its community and the contribution it makes to the communityÕs quality of life. ¥ Nominations may be submitted by the original designer, on behalf of the original designer, or by any individual, firm, or organization in the community. ¥ One award is presented annually. 2003 ASLA community service award The boston schoolyard initiative photo by boston schoolyard founders collaborative 2003 ASLA Landmark Award Battery Park City: Master Plan and Esplanade Olin Partnership, Ltd. and R.M. Hanna Landscape Architects (formerly Hanna/Olin) photo by Paul Daniel Marriott Director, Rural Heritage? Historic Roads Progam and National Trust for Historic Preservation To Enter: ¥ Complete and return the entry form with payment for each project to be submitted. Entry forms and payment must be received by ASLA no later than Friday, April 30, 2004, 5:00 p.m., EDT. ¥ Upon receipt of your entry form, you will be sent an official, numbered entry binder with instructions for each project to be submitted. Complete submission requirements and forms are available at ¥ Please note that each project must be submitted in the official, numbered ASLA binder provided. ¥ Submission binders must be postmarked by Friday, May 14, 2004. Award Selections and Announcement: ¥ The awards jury will review all submissions June 18-20, 2004. ¥ Submissions that do not meet the entry requirements will not be considered. ¥ Entrants will be notified of the results shortly following the jury meeting. ¥ The awards will be announced to the media following notification to the entrants. ¥ Award recipients and their clients will be honored in a ceremony and luncheon at the ASLA Annual Meeting and Expo, on Saturday, October 30, 2004, in Salt Lake City, UT. Questions? Contact Jeffrey Lofton at 202-216-2331 or ASLA 2004 Awards entry form Detailed submission requirements may be found on the ASLA Web site at Deadline for receipt of entry form: Friday, April 30, 2004 Deadline for submission of materials: postmarked by Friday, May 14, 2004 Please send my entry kit(s) to: Name Company Street Address City/State/Zip Telephone/Fax Email Please provide contact information for official entrant (if different from above): Name Company Street Address City/State/Zip Telephone/Fax Email Please provide the name of the landscape architect involved in the project (if applicable): Name (ASLA/FASLA, if applicable) Company Telephone Email A separate entry fee must be paid for each submission to the ASLA 2004 Awards program. Upon receipt of your completed form and payment, you will be sent an entry kit for each submission containing an official, numbered entry binder and instructions for each award and category. Questions? Contact Jeffrey Lofton at 202-216-2331 or Awards Entry Fees @Cost Qty Subtotal Professional Awards Entry Fee, ASLA Member $250 Professional Awards Entry Fee, Non-member* $500* Community Service Award Entry Fee $50 The Landmark Award Entry Fee $50 Total Non-member fee provides one-year membership in ASLA, including subscription to Landscape Architecture magazine and ASLA Chapter dues. Payment Information n A check in the amount of $ __________ is enclosed, payable to ASLA Library and Education Advocacy Fund. n VISA n MasterCard n American Express For credit card entries only: you may fax your entry form to 202-842-0861. Credit card number Exp. Date For Office Use Only: 1030-01 Print name as it appears on card Signature 2003 ASLA Design Merit Award Watercolor Cerulean Park Watercolor, Walton County, FL Nelson-Byrd Landscape Architects Photo by ARVIDA/Nelson-Byrd Landscape Architects American Society of Landscape Architects 636 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-3736