Analysis & Planning Award of Honor
Eco-Effective Design Strategies, University of California,
Davis, CA
William McDonough +
Partners, Charlottesville, VA
Client: University of California, Davis, Office of Resource Management
and Planning
Excellent analysis and attention to environmental factors.
. . It's exciting to see the whole system—buildings and
their interiors as well as land and climate—being analyzed
and incorporated into a master plan. . . Message will be easily
understood by all audiences.
Professional Awards Jury Comments
Growth mandated by the state constitution provided the impetus
for rethinking the master planning and design of new campus residential
neighborhoods at the University of California, Davis. Two significant
forces made environmentally responsible planning and development
a compelling framework for the community to accommodate nearly 7,000
new students plus supporting faculty and staff in the next decade:
the desire of residents to maintain the city's urban village character
and high quality of life; and the pressing concerns generated by
the statewide energy crisis of 2001.