Analysis and Planning Award of Merit
Silresim Superfund Redevelopment Study, Lowell, MA
StoSS, Boston, MA
Client: City of Lowell Division of Planning and Development
Displays considerable innovation. . . It is great to see
a long-range, phase-in plan. . . Graphics beautifully portrayed
for this important plan. . .
Professional Awards Jury Comments
This project presents a strategy for the social, cultural, environmental,
and economic recovery of an existing industrial corridor and highly
contaminated Superfund site in Boston. Since the remediation and
funding allocation processes are expected to continue for a number
of years, the proposal envisions staging events over a period of
up to 20 years. These tactics are designed to engage community participation,
change public perceptions, generate broad-based interest in the
urban landscape, increase political pressure, test proposed methods
and strategies on limited sites, and to initiate a longer-term unfolding
of improvements and developments. A proposed alternative stormwater
processing system, which functions as a new type of ecological infrastructure,
establishes a long-term physical framework for this recovery.