A Green Jewel
Multi-use neighborhood parks in high density neighborhoods help us achieve community health goals and get people of all ages and abilities more active. Being active in nature helps reduce obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other health issues that have only increased as our society has become more sedentary.
Image: Hargreaves AssociatesHeart of the Park
The park has many features, designed to appeal to different audiences. At the heart of the park is a large lawn, which will appeal to everyone. It provides a place for nearby residents to run and play or sit and sun. In the summer months, people can even watch a movie on a large inflatable screen.
Image: Brian Bainnson Art Installations
The park contains several interesting art installations. Entering the park from the northwest, a small plaza commemorates the site of Portland’s first cabin, which was built here along what was then the shore of the Willamette River.
Image: Brian Bainnson Timbers
Timber harks back to the days when the site was used for the construction of ships. Today, the salvaged timbers provide places to play for both children and adults.
Image: Brian BainnsonEngaging Kids
An interactive water feature provides families with children a place to have fun and cool down. Features that can engage children in active play are important, especially to apartment-dwelling families.
Image: Brian BainnsonFlexible Seating
A crushed stone plaza provides ample movable seating, and a simple rectangle allows for the informal bocce game. The park has a lack of seating appropriate for people with limited mobility, but the moveable seating is one bright spot that works for most users. (Seniors or others with knee, hip, or ankle problems need a good armrest with hand grip to allow themselves to lower or push out of a seating position.)
Image: Brian BainnsonShade Coming
Shade is currently a luxury, but, as the trees mature, the park will become an oasis of green in the new district.
Image: Brian BainnsonBoardwalks
At the southern end, wooden boardwalks allow stormwater to freely flow in a series of rain gardens. As the surrounding native plantings mature, the boardwalks will transform into a shaded woodland walk.
Image: Brian BainnsonWind and Sound Sculpture
A wind and sound sculpture further enlivens the space around the boardwalks.
Image: Brian Bainnson Enveloping Plants
Masses of perennials, ornamental grasses, and flowering shrubs envelope park goers.
Image: Brian Bainnson