Siaya Eco-Park: A Vision for a Green, Inclusive Hub in Siaya’s Heart

Award of Excellence

Urban Design

Siaya, Siaya County, Kenya
Johanny Bonilla Jimenez, Associate ASLA; Michelle Syl Yeng Chan, Associate ASLA; Caroline Schoeller, Associate ASLA; Leechen Zhu, Student ASLA;
Faculty Advisors: David Gouverneur; Catherine Seavitt, FASLA; Thabo Lenneiye;
University of Pennsylvania

Using armatures and corridors to reconnect the community is depicted as convincing strategies.

- 2024 Awards Jury

Project Credits

Benedict Omollo
County Executive Committee Member for Finance & Economic Planning, County Government of Siaya

George Odunga Obare
Director Housing and Urban Development, Siaya County

Project Statement

The Siaya Eco-Park combines recreational spaces, sustainable agriculture, mixed-use affordable housing, and commercial amenities, to create a dynamic hub for community interaction and sustainable living within the heart of the city. The project seeks to integrate existing amenities, like the sports stadium currently under construction, with new affordable housing, to create a mixed-use district that not only stimulates economic growth and offers recreational opportunities, but also promotes environmental stewardship. By encouraging resilient water management practices, providing renewable energy, increasing canopy cover, and integrating various scales of agriculture, the project is a model for ecological urbanism in Siaya and beyond.

Project Narrative


Siaya, the capital of Siaya County in Kenya, is historically one of the country's poorest areas, with most household incomes below the poverty line. During our class trip to Siaya in October 2023, we observed severe flooding due to inefficient drainage and deforestation, poor water quality, unreliable energy, and environmental conservation struggles. Despite these challenges, local enthusiasm for ecological urbanism, eco-cities, and climate-ready solutions was evident. This positive reception led to further discussions with local officials, resulting in the idea of further developing a project around the new stadium in downtown Siaya to create a community hub.

The Site

Theiaya Eco-Park site, located in downtown Siaya, spans approximately 40 acres and centers around the multimillion-shilling Siaya Stadium, currently under construction. Previously home to affordable housing units now demolished due to asbestos, the site offers a strategic location for integrating sustainable water management, energy generation, and food security into a new model of affordable housing that promotes social equity. The site is adjacent to key amenities: Siaya County Hospital to the east, Siaya Township Primary and Secondary Schools to the north, and the city’s bus terminal and market to the south. With a topographic change of about ten meters, the site provides a unique opportunity for an ecologically and socially resonant project.

Design Strategies

Our design framework revolves around three key strategies. First, we aim to establish a blue-green armature, weaving a continuous green corridor throughout the community. This corridor blends elements of ecology, recreation, production, and water management, fostering a harmonious relationship with nature. Across the armature, there are strategically placed areas for water collection and storage for future reuse that work with and enhance existing topographic changes with the northwestern edge of the site, collecting most of the runoff. Additionally, a diverse plant selection is replanted to offer an experiential journey that promotes environmental stewardship, resiliency and conservation. For example, edible and showy plants are positioned strategically along core areas along with informational signage, and shade trees are planted to increase canopy cover. 

Secondly, we prioritize pedestrian corridors, creating a central spine that grants easy access to public spaces and amenities. Extending from this spine are pedestrian boulevards, forging vital connections to the existing town, promoting walkability, and encouraging sustainable modes of transportation. 

Lastly, our focus lies on crafting a new mixed-use community characterized by eco-progressive principles. This requires the development of affordable housing, incorporation of recreational and mixed-use amenities that foster economic growth, implementation of effective water management strategies, and the cultivation of a productive agricultural core to nurture a thriving and sustainable neighborhood.


Through collaboration with the client, we have created a project that we believe can bridge the gap between the stadium and the neighborhood, to create a larger eco-community. This project aims to position Siaya as an eco-forward city that benefits local communities and draws international attention.

Plant List:

  • Papaya
  • Mango
  • Guava
  • Banana
  • Giant Diospyros
  • Tamarind
  • Jacaranda
  • Iron Wood
  • Nile Tulip
  • Lukina
  • Silk Oak
  • Yellow Oleander
  • Dwarf Morning-glory
  • Rosary Pea