In Between Walls
Hamun Lake, Sistan, Iran
Niloufar Makaremi Esfarjani, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisors: Fadi Masoud, ASLA
University of Toronto
As a result of political conflict between neighbouring countries, Afghanistan has diverted water from the transboundary Hamoun lakes, as such, Iran's wetlands have dried up. Combined with the effects of climate change, this area has become a major source of dust storms affecting eastern Iran and southwestern Afghanistan, causing socio-economic, health, and environmental issues and compromising valuable cultural sites.
Based on the physics of dust storms, and with the threefold objective of ecological improvement, cultural reconnection, and a diplomatic gesture, this thesis proposes implementing an armature in the landscape: a series of strategically located walls that takes advantage of natural forces.

Myth, Memory, and Landscape in the Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation
Pyramid Lake, NV, USA
Team: Derek Lazo, Student ASLA; Serena Lousich, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisors: Danika Cooper, ASLA
UC Berkeley

Sharawadgi Garden: A New Understanding of Chinoiserie for a Chinese Garden at the MoMA
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY, USA
Douglas A. Breuer, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisor: Richard Weller, Valerio Morabito
University of Pennsylvania

Songs From The Ocean, Dancers From The Land: Rendering An Ecological Choreography of Coastal Habitats in Phuket, Thailand
Phuket, Thailand
Kate Jirasiritham, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisor: Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, ASLA; Matthew Seibert, Associate ASLA
The City College of New York

Stop Making Sense: Spatializing the Hanford Site's Nuclear Legacy
Hanford, WA, USA
Team: Kasia Keeley, Student ASLA; Andrew Prindle, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisor: Thaisa Way, ASLA
University of Washington

Wetness Behind the SC/EEN: Re-wetting the Oran
Tilwara, Rajasthan, India
Cyrus Sohrab Khan, Student ASLA
Faculty Advisors: Anuradha Mathur, ASLA
University of Pennsylvania
Baseco: A New Housing Paradigm
Manila, Philippines
Team: Julio F. Torres Santana, Student ASLA; Yinan Liu, Student ASLA; Aime Vailes-Macarie
Faculty Advisors: David A. Rubin, ASLA
Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Upon our site selection and during the first week of study, we were responsible for a rigorous research into the community of Baseco in Manila, the Philippines, including history, population diversity, ecological systems, culture, commerce and economics, among other influencing factors that could inform our design decisions through the course of this project. The initial investigation was followed by a site visit and participation along with workshops with members of the Baseco community and a forum with influential civic leaders within the region. Afterwards, we shared our initial findings on the city and the region, and engaged in dialogue with both leaders and community members. Our proposals connect form with space, interiors with landscape, consider climate, vegetation and sea level rise, and create sustainable ecologically sensitive habitations considering technologies focusing on material reuse.