Award of Excellence
JoLA — Journal of Landscape Architecture
Georg D.W. Callwey GmbH & Co. KG, Munich, Germany
client: ECLAS, European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
Project Statement
JoLA's goal is to support, stimulate and broaden scholarship in landscape architecture and to enhance the interface between academic research and professional practice. By welcoming articles which address any aspect of landscape architecture, the journal aims to cultivate the diverse identities of the discipline. JoLA fosters research methodologies specific to landscape architecture and aspires to expand the range of communication modes for research. Hence, in particular graphic design and visual communication play a substantial role.
Project Narrative
JoLA The Story.
JoLA is the journal of the European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools (ECLAS). The first issue was published in spring 2006. This was preceded by several years of planning by ECLAS, which through the European-funded Le:Notre Project had formulated the means to launch a substantial peer-reviewed scholarly journal in Europe. The journal was to have a European base, inspired by landscape specific to that
region, whilst looking outwards, drawing in, and juxtaposing distinct perspectives from the international landscape architecture profession.
In 2005 the journal's academic editors were appointed by ECLAS. Uniquely, the editors comprise five landscape scholars from five different European countries: Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, and the UK.
JoLA The Concept.
JoLA is a peer-reviewed academic journal of landscape architecture. It has two issues per annum and is a publication in full colour. The journal`s concept is formulated both in the structure and content, and the means by which they are communicated. In addition to the central section of four to six research papers, it has two distinctive sections: The first, "Under the Sky", provides a unique platform for new methods in critical reading of a landscape architecture project in each issue. Since critical judgement is a key element of design and planning, it hopes to promote innovative approaches that offer a critique of projects as a part of theory building in landscape architecture.
The second, "Thinking Eye" is a visual essay section offering a vehicle for fresh critical appraisal and rigourous experiments in the visual culture of landscape. These three peer-reviewed sections are accompanied by book reviews, academic notes and an editorial.
The rich and diverse cultural backgrounds of European landscape architecture require exposure to global contexts: although JoLA has a European base, it is internationally oriented and seeks to offer global perspectives, both in terms of submissions and readership.
The globalised market of landscape architecture calls for all types of media that not only provide information but also strengthen the profession.
JoLA takes on an important task within the scientific sector itself and as a mediator between theory and practice. The journal is produced professionally: in full colour, amply illustrated, using modern typography and appealing layouts; even scientific publications require a reader-friendly format today. And so the quality of the design matches the quality of the contents as well as the high standards we demand from good landscape architecture.
The high level of contributions is intended to set standards and provide good examples for the different development stages of national higher education environments, in Europe and beyond.
JoLA The Facts.
JoLA — Journal of Landscape Architecture is currently published biannually in English. Quarterly publication is planned for 2010.
JoLA now has 320 subscriptions (February 2009); the print run is 800 copies. The distribution is based primarily on direct subscriptions. Marketing activities include direct mail campaigns, telesales, public relations and online promotion.
In January 2009 an electronic version of the journal was launched and online subscriptions have been made available in addition to print subscriptions. The website www.info-jola.de serves as a contact point for marketing activities in the interim and is hosted by the publishing company. A web page is planned as a supplement to the journal's contents by the publishers ECLAS.
Project Resources
ECLAS, European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools:
Jeroen de Vries, President
Publishing company
Georg D.W. Callwey GmbH & Co. KG, Munich
ECLAS, European Council of Landscape Architecture Schools
Editorial Team
Karsten Jřrgensen, Dep. of Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway,
Martin Prominski, Dep. of Landscape Architecture, University of Hanover, Germany,
Bernadette Blanchon-Caillot, Dep. of Human Sciences, Ecole National Supérieure du Paysage, Versaille, France,
Catherine Dee, Dep. of Landscape, University of Sheffield, UK
Malene Hauxner, Dep. of Park and Urban Landscapes, Danish Centre for Forest, Landscape and Planning, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Editorial Advisory Board
Thorbjörn Andersson, Sweden
Teresa Andresen, Portuga
Jean Marc Besse, France
Diedrich Bruns, Germany
Elen Deming, USA
Ana Kucan, Slovenia
Han Lörzing, Netherlands
Marc Rumelhart, France
Tom Simons, Finland
Simon Swaffield, New Zealand Catharine Ward Thompson, UK
Udo Weilacher, Germany
Kongjian Yu, China
Editorial Assistance
Barbara Birli
Corinna Susanne Clewing
Graphic Design
Oliver Kleinschmidt, Berlin
Copyediting and Proofreading
Mic Hale
Christine Simony
Katherine Morton
Susan Dunsmore
Helen William
(responsible in terms of Bavarian law of press): Robert SchäferCallwey Verlag, Munich
Production management
Alexander Stix, Callwey Verlag, Munich
Marketing and Sales
Ithres-Marion Mende, Callwey Verlag, Munich

The academic periodical JoLA — Journal of Landscape Architecture, is published twice a year, in spring and autumn. Since it was founded in 2006 six issues have been distributed. (Photo: Cover design: Oliver Kleinschmidt)

The central section of JoLA consists of peer-reviewed research papers. In the spring 2007 issue Sandra Parvu and Eunate Torres present a new set of representation tools through an approach that goes beyond landscape architecture. (Photo: Layout: Oliver Kleinschmidt; Image: JoLA, spring 2007/Sandra Parvu, Eunate Torres)

To be accepted, articles must be unpublished, original and not considered for publication elsewhere. In the spring 2008 issue Elizabeth K. Meyer examines the role of aesthetics in a sustainability agenda. (Photo: Layout: Oliver Kleinschmidt; Images: JoLA spring 2008/Elizabeth K. Meyer)

The JoLA layout reflects the journal's aspiration to combine academic content with sophisticated graphics. In the autumn 2008 issue Richard Weller conceives scenarios on how Perth can accommodate its rapid growth. (Photo: Layout: Oliver Kleinschmidt; Images: JoLA, autumn 2008/University of Western Australia, Richard Weller)
"A must-read for today's practitioner. Such an inspiring publication. A real contribution to the profession."
— 2009 Professional Awards Jury

"Under the Sky" provides a platform for critical appraisals of landscape architecture projects. In the spring 2006 issue Denis Delbaere discusses the work of Latitude Nord (France) in the Plaine du Grand Tournant, a former flood area. (Photo: Layout: Oliver Kleinschmidt; Images: JoLA, spring 2006/Latitude Nord)

"Thinking Eye" presents a visual essay section. In the autumn 2006 issue Jörg Rekittke and Philip Paar present the Lenné3D visualisation tool for the interactive exploration of three-dimensional landscapes. (Photo: Layout: Oliver Kleinschmidt; Images: JoLA, autumn 2006/Albertina Wien; Jan Walter Schliep and Lenné3D)

The web page www.info-jola.de provides a readership service and a contact point for interested parties. It contains an overview of all issues with abstracts of selected articles and sample excerpts as well as guidelines for submission and some important links. (Photo: JoLA, www.info-jola.de)