Professional Practice
Urban Street Design Webinar
Date: 3/18/2025 - 3/18/2025
Half price ($169.50) with this code: MKMQ3U50.
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
9:00 am – 4:30 pm CDT
Past attendees have said:
“I really enjoyed the storytelling of examples to help drive home points. I also really enjoyed seeing so many examples of planning models and having Michael can talk about what we learn by looking at them. It felt more hands on that way, and easier to learn/remember.”
“Traffic engineer vs. economist perspectives are often secondary to municipal officials, mayors, city engineers, and department of public works opinions and biases when streetscape decisions are being made.”
“The webinar was much more comprehensive than expected…it covered all of the background information and fundamentals of the science behind the subject.”
“Overall I found it interesting to receive a different perspective than my own on these topics.”
“I was impressed with the seminar as well as the platform it was delivered on. It was also very helpful to include additional resources such as websites and reading materials.”
1. The Safe System (Vision Zero) Approach to Traffic Safety
2. Mobility and City Planning
3. Street Networks and Urban Design
4. Design Elements – Along the Street
5. Design Elements – at Nodes
6. Pilot Projects, Tactical Urbanism, Quick Build
Landscape Architects: 6.5 HSW CE, LA CES: 6.5 HSW PDH